Monday, August 31, 2020

Top Users Command In Linux Operating System With Descriptive Definitions

Linux is a command line interface and has a graphical interface as well. But the only thing we should know how we interact with Linux tools and applications with the help of command line. This is the basic thing of Linux.  As you can do things manually by simple clicking over the programs just like windows to open an applications. But if you don't have any idea about commands of Linux and definitely you also don't know about the Linux terminal. You cannot explore Linux deeply. Because terminal is the brain of the Linux and you can do everything by using Linux terminal in any Linux distribution. So, if you wanna work over the Linux distro then you should know about the commands as well.
In this blog you will get a content about commands of Linux which are collectively related to the system users. That means if you wanna know any kind of information about the users of the system like username passwords and many more.


The "id" command is used in Linux operating system for the sake of getting knowledge about active user id with login and group. There may be different users and you wanna get a particular id of the user who is active at that time so for this you just have to type this command over the terminal.


The "last" command is used in Linux operating system to show the information about the last logins on the system. If you forget by which user id you have logged in at last time. So for this information you can search login detail by using this command.


The "who" command is used in Linux distributions to display the information about the current user which a an active profile over the Linux operating system. If you are in the system and you don't know about that active user and suddenly you have to know about that user detail so you can get the info by using this command.


The "groupadd admin" is the command which is used in Linux operating system to add a group in the Linux system to gave the privileges to that group.


The "useradd" command is used in Linux operating system to add user or users to a specific group. If you wanna add a user name Umer so for this matter you just have to write a command i.e. useradd -c "Umer".


The "userdel" command is used in Linux operating system for the purpose to delete any user or users from the particular group present in the linux operating system. For example "userdel Umer" this command will delete the user named Umer.


The "adduser" command is a simple command used to create directly any user in the system. There is no need to make a group for this. You just have to type the command with user name like adduser Umer, it will created a user by name Umer.


The "usermod" is a command used in Linux operating system to modify the information of any particular user. You can edit or delete information of any particular user in the Linux operating system.

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Sunday, August 30, 2020


"W3AF is a Web Application Attack and Audit Framework. The project goal is to create a framework to find and exploit web application vulnerabilities that is easy to use and extend. This project is currently hosted at SourceForge." read more...

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How To Start | How To Become An Ethical Hacker

Are you tired of reading endless news stories about ethical hacking and not really knowing what that means? Let's change that!
This Post is for the people that:

  • Have No Experience With Cybersecurity (Ethical Hacking)
  • Have Limited Experience.
  • Those That Just Can't Get A Break

OK, let's dive into the post and suggest some ways that you can get ahead in Cybersecurity.
I receive many messages on how to become a hacker. "I'm a beginner in hacking, how should I start?" or "I want to be able to hack my friend's Facebook account" are some of the more frequent queries. Hacking is a skill. And you must remember that if you want to learn hacking solely for the fun of hacking into your friend's Facebook account or email, things will not work out for you. You should decide to learn hacking because of your fascination for technology and your desire to be an expert in computer systems. Its time to change the color of your hat 😀

 I've had my good share of Hats. Black, white or sometimes a blackish shade of grey. The darker it gets, the more fun you have.

If you have no experience don't worry. We ALL had to start somewhere, and we ALL needed help to get where we are today. No one is an island and no one is born with all the necessary skills. Period.OK, so you have zero experience and limited skills…my advice in this instance is that you teach yourself some absolute fundamentals.
Let's get this party started.
  •  What is hacking?
Hacking is identifying weakness and vulnerabilities of some system and gaining access with it.
Hacker gets unauthorized access by targeting system while ethical hacker have an official permission in a lawful and legitimate manner to assess the security posture of a target system(s)

 There's some types of hackers, a bit of "terminology".
White hat — ethical hacker.
Black hat — classical hacker, get unauthorized access.
Grey hat — person who gets unauthorized access but reveals the weaknesses to the company.
Script kiddie — person with no technical skills just used pre-made tools.
Hacktivist — person who hacks for some idea and leaves some messages. For example strike against copyright.
  •  Skills required to become ethical hacker.
  1. Curosity anf exploration
  2. Operating System
  3. Fundamentals of Networking
*Note this sites

More info

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Setting Up A Burp Development Environment

This quick blog post will document getting started with developing Burp extensions using java. Burp provides interfaces for developers to hook into the Burp application and extend the application or integrate with other tools, this interface is documented on the following site -

For this guide you will need the following items:

After downloading and opening up Eclipse you will need to create a new java project. This can be done by clicking "File->New Java Project". Fill in a project name and click finish.

Once the project has been created you will need to create a new package called "burp". This can be done by right clicking the "src" folder under your new project and selecting "New->Package". When the dialog comes up set the "Name" as "burp":

You should now have a package named "burp" under the source folder in the right pane. Now you will need to import the Burp extender classes into your project. Download all of the extender classes to a local folder, once this is done right click on the "burp" package in your project and select "Import". On the dialog window that comes up select "General->File System" and hit "next":

On the next dialog you will need to navigate to where you downloaded the Burp extender classes to. Once you have done this you should see the classes, click on the folder to select all items and click "Finish":

Next we can add the Burp application into the project. To do this click on "Project->Properties" on the top toolbar. When the dialog opens select "Java Build Path" and then the "Libraries" tab. On this dialog click "Add External JARs..."
Navigate to where ever you have Burp downloaded to and select it. After you have done this click "OK" to dismiss the dialog. You are now ready to build your own Burp extensions. You can test your environment by creating a new class in the burp package named "BurpExtender". Right click the "burp" package and click "New->Class". On the dialog that comes up enter "BurpExtender" and click "Finish":

In the "BurpExtender" class you can enter the following:

package burp;

public class BurpExtender
    public void registerExtenderCallbacks(IBurpExtenderCallbacks callbacks)
        callbacks.registerMenuItem("Hello World.", new CustomMenuItem());

class CustomMenuItem implements IMenuItemHandler
    public void menuItemClicked(String menuItemCaption, IHttpRequestResponse[] messageInfo)
            System.out.println("Hello From Burp!");
            System.out.println("Request Item Details");
            System.out.println("Host: " + messageInfo[0].getHost());
            System.out.println("URL: " + messageInfo[0].getUrl());

        catch (Exception e)

After adding the content to your "BurpExtender" class you are ready to run the project for the first time. Click on "Run->Run" from the menu. You should see the following dialog asking how it should run your project:
Select "Java Application" and click "Ok". Next you should receive a dialog asking which application you want to run. Select "StartBurp - burp" and click "Ok":

You should now see the burp application running. Intercept a request in the application and right click on the request, you should now see an item in the menu named "Hello World."

When you click the "Hello World." menu button you should see some information about the request in your eclipse console window:

That's it, you now have setup your working development environment for building your own Burp extensions. The javadocs for the Burp Extender interfaces are available on the Extender web page:

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