Friday, May 22, 2020

BurpSuite Introduction & Installation

What is BurpSuite?
Burp Suite is a Java based Web Penetration Testing framework. It has become an industry standard suite of tools used by information security professionals. Burp Suite helps you identify vulnerabilities and verify attack vectors that are affecting web applications. Because of its popularity and breadth as well as depth of features, we have created this useful page as a collection of Burp Suite knowledge and information.

In its simplest form, Burp Suite can be classified as an Interception Proxy. While browsing their target application, a penetration tester can configure their internet browser to route traffic through the Burp Suite proxy server. Burp Suite then acts as a (sort of) Man In The Middle by capturing and analyzing each request to and from the target web application so that they can be analyzed.

Everyone has their favorite security tools, but when it comes to mobile and web applications I've always found myself looking BurpSuite . It always seems to have everything I need and for folks just getting started with web application testing it can be a challenge putting all of the pieces together. I'm just going to go through the installation to paint a good picture of how to get it up quickly.

BurpSuite is freely available with everything you need to get started and when you're ready to cut the leash, the professional version has some handy tools that can make the whole process a little bit easier. I'll also go through how to install FoxyProxy which makes it much easier to change your proxy setup, but we'll get into that a little later.

Requirements and assumptions:

Mozilla Firefox 3.1 or Later Knowledge of Firefox Add-ons and installation The Java Runtime Environment installed

Download BurpSuite from make a note of where you save it.

on for Firefox from

If this is your first time running the JAR file, it may take a minute or two to load, so be patient and wait.

Video for setup and installation.

You need to install compatible version of java , So that you can run BurpSuite.

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15 Hidden Android Features You Should Know

While Android has matured by leaps and bounds, it's still going through the refinement phase. Over time, Google has both added and removed many popular features in Android. Sometimes the features are completely removed. However, in many cases, they make it to the Settings page or they are buried under different hidden places inside Android. That's why we have come up with this article where we unearth 15 hidden Android features that are quite interesting and helpful. So, let's go ahead and explore some unique Android features which are available on our Android devices.

Hidden Android Features

Here, we have mentioned several hidden Android features ranging from privacy, security, ease of use and more. Further, we have also added some obscure Android features which were released recently but might have gone under the radar. Now with that said, here are the hidden Android features that you should know and use often.

1. Block Spam Calls

The one feature that I turn on whenever I set up a new Android device is: filter spam calls. It saves me from unwanted calls by telemarketers, fraudsters and spammers. If you use a stock Android device, you must have the Phone app by Google installed as your default dialer. To enable spam call blocking, open the Phone app and tap on the three-dot menu on the top-right corner and open Settings. After that, open "Caller ID and spam" and enable both the toggles. Now, whenever you will receive a call by spammers, the screen won't light up or make any sound. It's almost like DND with Total Silence turned on.

1. Block Spam Calls hidden android features

If you are worried that you will miss important calls then fret not. I have been using this feature for a long time and I can vouch that it works flawlessly. While there are other apps like Truecaller with similar features, you should be wary against handing your data to third-party apps, especially given its shady past record.

2. Verification Code Autofill

Many of us have allowed SMS permission to multiple apps for seamless OTP verification. However, this can lead to serious breach as apps can read all your text messages and also build credit profile without your consent. To crack down on this behavior, Google has brought a new API called the SMS Retriever. It allows apps to capture a one-time code without asking for SMS permission. In case, the app developer has not implemented this API, Google will act as a bridge and provide the verification code. That is awesome, right? So to enable this feature, navigate to Settings -> Google -> Verification Code Autofill and enable the toggle. Make sure you have also enabled the Autofill service by Google.

2. Verification Code Autofill

3. Force Dark Mode on all Apps

While the dark mode is slowly becoming the norm, there are still apps like Facebook and WhatsApp which are yet to embrace the dark side. If you want to force dark mode on a range of apps then there is a hidden Android setting that lets you do it. However, you must be on the latest Android 10 build. To enable dark mode for all the apps, navigate to Settings -> About Phone and tap on the Build Number for seven times continuously. A toast notification will show up prompting "Developer Options have been enabled". Now go back, and search for "Override force-dark" in the Settings page. Tap on the first result and then enable the toggle. Just to be sure, restart your device and check if dark mode is working on all apps.

3. Force Dark Mode on all Apps

4. Focus Mode

Google has brought a new feature called Focus Mode to Digital Wellbeing with the launch of Android 10. While Digital Wellbeing is great at limiting the screen time of various apps, Focus Mode allows you to block certain apps completely so you can focus on what you are doing. To configure Focus Mode, follow Settings -> Digital Wellbeing -> Focus Mode. Here, you can select apps that you find distracting and can enable Focus Mode straight from the Quick Settings panel.

4. Focus Mode hidden android features

5. Share WiFi with QR Code

I know the feeling when someone asks you to share your WiFi's password and you can't seem to remember it. If you use a strong password with multiple hashes and characters then it becomes even more tedious to type it out. In such cases, a QR code can help you seamlessly connect to WiFi networks. Thankfully, Android 10 has this not-so-hidden feature under the WiFi Settings page. Open it and you will find the QR code scanner besides the "Add Network" section. Now, scan the QR code and you will be connected in no time.

5. Share WiFi with QR Code

6. Randomize MAC Address

MAC address is a unique identifier assigned to WiFi-enabled devices including smartphones. Most devices come with a static MAC which can be exploited and used for tracking user movement. So having a random MAC address reduces the chance of tracking and strengthens your privacy. If you are running Android 10 then you can randomize the MAC address from the WiFi Settings page. Tap on the WiFi that you are connected to and open "Privacy". Here, make sure "Use randomized MAC" is your default pick.

6. Randomize MAC Address

7. Force Apps to Resize in Split Mode

Android has some unique features like Split Mode which make it quite distinct from iOS. It lets you run two apps at once so you can effortlessly multitask between them. However, not all apps support Split Mode and that's where this hidden Android feature comes into play. With this feature, you can force any app to resize in split mode, irrespective of the app compatibility. So to enable this feature, open Settings and search for "resizable". Open the first result and enable "Force activities to be resizable". Now, restart your device and you can enjoy any app in the Split mode.

7. Force Apps to Resize in Split Mode

8. Default USB Configuration

If you are someone who regularly connects Android devices to PC then this sneaky feature is going to help you a lot. Android 10 now allows you to choose your default USB configuration. If you transfer files regularly then simply choose the desired settings and you are good to go. To configure USB, open Settings and search for "Default USB" and tap on the first result. Here, choose "File transfer" or any other settings based on your preference.

8. Default USB Configuration (2) hidden android features

9. Private DNS

While Private DNS was launched with Android Pie, it still remains one of the least talked features of Android. It allows you to encrypt your DNS query so no one can read it, not even your internet service provider. You can find the Private DNS feature in the "Network and Internet" settings page. Here, open "Private DNS" and choose Automatic for Google's DNS or you can also select some other DNS providers as well. I would recommend you to go with Cloudflare's DNS.

9. Private DNS

10. Device Theming

Device theming has finally arrived on Android, but it's still hidden under the developer options. You can change the accent color, font and icon shape from a handful of options. To find the desired settings page, open Settings and search for "theming". Tap on the top result and customize your Android device as you prefer.

10. Device Theming

11. Show Taps While Screen Recording

With the release of Android Oreo, Google removed the ability to show taps while screen recording for security reasons. However, the settings to configure taps is still available and hidden under the developer options. Just open the Settings page and search for "taps". Open the first result and enable the toggle. Now, you can record your screen with taps and that's really convenient.

11. Show Taps While Screen Recording hidden android features

12. Capitalize Words Quickly

If you want to capitalize words quickly then Gboard has this nifty feature which is super helpful and I simply love it. Just select the words and tap the "Shift" button twice to capitalize a chunk of words at once. You can also make it lowercase by similarly double tapping the shift button. And if you just want to keep the initials capital then tap the shift button once. That's pretty great, right? So go ahead and type hassle-free with Gboard.

Capitalize Words Quickly

13. Uninstall Multiple Apps

One of the best hidden Android features is that you can uninstall multiple apps at once. It works on older versions of Android as well so that is great. All you have to do is open the Google Play Store and tap on the hamburger menu and select "My apps and games". Here, switch to the "Installed" section and then tap on "Storage". After that, simply select apps that you want to uninstall and hit that "Free Up" button. Voila, multiple apps just got uninstalled in just one tap.

13. Uninstall Multiple Apps

14. Clear Site Storage Using Chrome

Chrome is notorious for accumulating a large amount of data in background which makes the performance worse and also takes up crucial storage space. If you want to check what websites are eating up your memory space then a hidden Chrome setting can help you with that. Open Chrome on your Android device and head over to its Settings page. Now, navigate to Site Settings and open Storage. Here, you will find all the websites with their storage space. Open any website and tap on the "Delete" icon to finally free up your internal storage from unnecessary cached data.

14. Clear Site Storage Using Chrome

15. Street View Layer in Google Maps

Street View is an immersive way to explore places and find new landmarks, hotels, restaurants from anywhere around the world. Now, the Street View Layer has been added to Google Maps and it works pretty well. To check if Street View is available in your region, open Google Maps and tap on the "layer" icon on the top-right corner. Now, tap on "Street View" icon and then zoom out to find blue lines on the map. Finally, tap on the blue lines and Street View will show up for that place. That's cool, right? So go ahead and check out Street View to find some hidden gems around the world.

15. Street View Layer in Google Maps hidden android features

Note: The blue lines show up wherever street view is available.


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  2. Cracker Informatico
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Change Passwords Regularly - A Myth And A Lie, Don'T Be Fooled, Part 2

In the previous blog post, I have covered the different passwords you have to protect, the attackers and attack methods. Now let's look at how we want to solve the issue.

Password requirements

So far we have learned we have to use long, complex, true random passwords. In theory, this is easy.
Now, this is my password advice for 2014:

Password character classes
Use upper-lower-digit-special characters in general cases.
If you don't understand what I just write, choose from this:
qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM0123456789-=[];'\,./<>?:"|{}_+!@#$%^&* ()`~
If you are a CISO, and say: use 3 out of 4 character class, everyone will use Password12 or Welcome12 as their password (after the 12th enforced password change).

Password length
This is basically the only thing which changes whether the password is in the very high/high/medium/low level. Check the previous blog post for the details about very high/high/medium/low level.

Password length: Very high level class (including work-related/enterprise passwords)
15 character (or 20 if you are really paranoid). Making true random passwords longer than 20 characters usually does not make any sense, even in high security scenarios (e.g. military, spy agencies, etc.). 15 character in Windows environment is a right choice, as LM hash is incompatible with 15 character passwords, thus one (effective) attack won't work. Beware, there might be bugs with using 15 character passwords, with a low probability.

Password length: High-level class
12 character, upper-lower-special characters

Password length: Medium class
10 character, upper-lower-special characters, still TRUE random

Password length: Low-level class
9 character. Why less?

Pin codes
Always choose the longest provided, but a maximum of 8. Usually, more is pretty impractical.

Password randomness
True random, generated by a (local) computer. Avoid Debian. Avoid random generated by your brain. Do not use l33tsp33k. Do not append or prepend the current month, season or year to a word. Do not use Star Wars/Star Trek/(your favorite movie/series here) characters or terminology. In general, avoid any pattern like the above ones. The chances that a true random password generator generates SkyWalker12 is very-very low. And believe me, it is not that hard to crack those. Every algorithm that you would come up with; the bad guys have already thought of it. Use true random. Let the computer do it for you. See details later in this post.

Password history
Never-ever reuse passwords. NEVER!

Password change period
If it is not enforced otherwise, don't bother to change it twice in a year. But! Check if the password cracking speed made your current ones obsolete. If yes, change the obsolete passwords. Immediately change the password if you have been notified that the service you use has been compromised. Immediately change all of your recently used passwords if you suspect malware was running on your computer (do this on a known clean computer). Immediately change your password if you have used it on a computer you don't own, or there is a small chance malware is running on it. Change it if you really had to give your password to someone. Otherwise, goodbye regular password change. We will miss you...

If you are a CISO, and writing security policies, you should have to enforce the password change period based on: do you allow LM hashes? What is the password length requirement for users and administrators? What is the current hash cracking speed, and the forecast for the next 2 years? I think people would be happy to increase their passwords with 1-2 characters, if they are not forced to change it frequently (e.g. every month).
Now after I was sooo smart giving advises people still hate to implement, let's see the practical implementations. At least some people might like me, because I told them not to change the passwords regularly. Next time someone tells you to change all your important passwords regularly, put a lie detector on him, and check if he changes all of his passwords regularly. If he lies, feel free to use the wrench algorithm to crack his passwords. If he was not lying, call 911, to put a straitjacket on him. Only insane paranoid people do that in reality. Others are just too scared to say "what everyone recommended so far is bullshit". Comments are welcome ;) Other people might hate me for telling them using true random passwords. Don't panic, keep reading.
And don't forget to use 2 factor authentication. It might seem a bit of an overkill at the beginning, but after months, you won't notice using it.

(Bad and good) solutions

I will use the same password everywhere

This is a pretty bad idea. If one of the passwords are compromised, either the attackers can access your other sites, or you have to change all of your passwords. There are better ways to spend your life on earth than changing all of your passwords.

I will remember it

Good luck remembering 250 different, complex passwords. Don't forget to change them regularly! ;)

I will use the password recovery all the time

Not a very user-friendly solution. And because the security answer has to be as complicated as the password itself, the problem has not been solved.

I will write it down into my super-secret notebook and put it in my drawer

Although it might work in some cases, it won't work in others. I don't recommend it.

I will use an algorithm, like a base password, and add the websites first letters to the end of the password

Still better than using the same password everywhere, but believe me, if this is a targeted attack, it is not that hard to guess your password generation algorithm.

I will use the advice from XKCD, and use the password correcthorsebatterystaple

Still a lot better than simple passwords, but unfortunately, people are still bad at choosing random words with random order, so it is not the best solution. And again, you can't memorize 250 different passwords ... Even 10 is impossible. Only use this method in special corner cases (see details later), and use a passphrase generator!

I will use a password manager

This is the very first good idea. It solves the problem of remembering 250 different complex and random passwords. Some people might complain about using a password manager, here are those complaints. And my answers:

If someone gets access to this one password store, all is lost.
Answer: If someone accessed your password store, and the master password, you can be pretty damn sure that most of your passwords are already stolen. For extra paranoids, you can use multiple password stores, one for daily use, one for rare cases. Beware not to forget the password for the second one ;)

What if I don't have access to the password store when I need it?
Answer: In the age of cheap notebooks, tablets, and smartphones, in 99% of the cases you should not use that important password on any other device than yours. In the rare cases when you must, you can use either your smartphone to get the password, or use a browser extension like Password hasher to generate different passwords to different websites, with one password. For extra paranoids, you can have different master passwords for the different security levels. And don't forget to change the password after you are back at your own computer.

What if I forgot the one password to the password store?
Answer: If you use your password manager daily, it has the same odds to forget that one password as it is to forget every one of your passwords.

Password managers make phishing attacks easier.
Answer: Who started this nonsense? Good password managers decrease the risk of phishing.

Password managers have the same vulnerabilities as other websites or software.
Answer: Well, this is partially true. There are at least 3 types of password managers, from most secure to least: offline, browser built-in, online. Online password managers give better user experience, with a sacrifice in security. But if you choose one of the leading password managers, and you are a simple home user, the risks are negligible. If you try to store your work password in an online password store, you might violate your internal security policy. For paranoids, use offline password managers, and back them up regularly. If you choose an online password manager, at least use 2-factor authentication. And don't forget, your Chrome password can be easily synchronized to the cloud, shifting it to the online category.

In some cases, like Full Disc Encryption, OS login, smartphone login, or password manager login, the auto-type of password from the password manager is not available, thus choosing a true random password is a pain in the a$$.
Answer: True. Generate pronounceable passwords or passphrases in these corner cases, e.g. with the Linux tool apg you can generate pronounceable passwords. For easy and fast type, don't use capital letters (only lower-alpha - digit - special) in the original password, but increase the length of the password. Add 1 extra character because you don't use upper case letters, add 3 other because it is a pronounceable password, and you are good to go. For extra paranoids change one or two of the letters to uppercase where it is convenient. 
apg -M SNL -m 15 is your friend.
If you want to check what I write here (always a good idea), test the entropy of a true random 10 character password with all character classes, and check it with 14 characters, without uppercase. I recommend KeePass for that. If you comment on this that "Keepass can not measure that it is a pronounceable password, thus the entropy is lower in reality", my answer is: "Check out the current passwords used by users, and current password advises, and tell me if this password is a lot better or not ..." . You have been warned.

For the high-level password class, I don't recommend anything your brain generated. There are also suitable offline passphrase generators. Use at least 5-6 words for passphrases.

Password managers are not user-friendly, it takes more time to log in.
Answer: If you set auto-type/auto-fill, and the password manager is opened once a day (and you lock your computer when you leave it), in this case, logging in takes less time than typing it! It is more convenient to use it, rather than typing the passwords every time.

I like to create new unique passwords every time I create a new account, and password managers take the fun away from it.
Answer: Said no one, ever! "38 percent of people think it sounds more appealing to tackle household chores – from folding the laundry to scrubbing toilets – than to try and come up with another new user name or password."

To summarize things. Use a password manager.

General advise

Never use your essential passwords on other computers. They might be infected with a password stealer. If you really have to use it, change the password as soon as possible on a trusted (your) computer.

Don't fool yourself by phishing sites. If you go to the local flea market, and there is a strange looking guy with "Superbank deposit here" logo above his head, will you put your money?

Protect yourself against malware. Use a recent operating system, and even if you use OSX or Linux, it is not a bad thing to have an AV as a "last line of defense". Or to check your pendrive for Windows USB worms.

Never-ever use online web sites to "generate your password", "measure the complexity of your password" or "check if it has been breached". Never! (Except if it is your password manager :) ... )

Update: Sign up on the for notification if your e-mail is found in a leak.

Changing passwords frequently is bad advice. It is not effective. Put more energy in other right password advise. 

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Thursday, May 21, 2020


"ShellForge is a python program that builds shellcodes from C. It is inspired from Stealth's Hellkit. Some wrapper functions arround system calls are defined in header files. The C program uses them instead of libc calls. ShellForge uses gcc to convert it into assembler. It then modifies it a bit, compiles it, extract code from the object, may encode it and add a loader at the begining." read more...
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A Quick Guide To Selection Sorting

In this Article I'll tell you about Selection Sort
Selection sort is that type of sorting in which smallest element of a list is searched and then this number is swapped with the first element of the list and then second smallest element is searched in the list and is swapped with the second element of the list and so on i,e this "thingy" thing continues on till n-1 times (where 'n' is the number of terms).
Complexity of Selection sort is O(n^2) in best case as well as in worst case.

Well selection sort is not a good sorting algorithm which you can see even from the complexity of selection sort because selection sort performs same number of comparisons even in the best case as in the worst case. Which makes it very slow.
for i = 0 to n-1
smallest = location of smallest number from Arr[i] to Arr[n-1]
swap Arr[i] with Arr[smallest]

/*C Program: Implementation of Selection Sort*/
void swap(int a[], int i, int j){
    int tmp = a[i];
    a[i] = a[j];
    a[j] = tmp;
void selectionSort(int a[], int l, int h){
   for(int i=l; i<h; i++){
     int small  = i;
     for(int j=i+1; j<=h; j++){
       if(a[j] < a[i]) small = j;
int main(void) {
   int arr[10], n;
   printf("Enter Size of Array: ");
   scanf("%d", &n);
   printf("Enter %d elements:\n", n);
   for(int i=0; i<n; i++) scanf("%d", &arr[i]);
   selectionSort(arr, 0, n-1);
   printf("Sorted Array is as:\n");
   for(int i=0; i<n; i++) printf("%d ", arr[i]);
   return 0;

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Top Linux Commands Related To Hardware With Descriptive Definitions

Commands in Linux are just the keys to explore and close the Linux. As you can do things manually by simple clicking over the programs just like windows to open an applications. But if you don't have any idea about commands of Linux and definitely you also don't know about the Linux terminal. You cannot explore Linux deeply. Because terminal is the brain of the Linux and you can do everything by using Linux terminal in any Linux distribution. So, if you wanna work over the Linux distro then you should know about the commands as well. In this blog you will exactly get the content about Linux hardware commands which are related to CPU and memory processes.


The dmesg command is used in Linux distribution for the sake of detecting hardware and boot messages in the Linux system.

cat /proc/cpuinfo

The cat command is basically used to read something over the terminal like cat will display all the content which exist in over the terminal. So cat /proc/cpuinfo will display the model of the CPU over the terminal.

cat /proc/meminfo

This command is similar to the above command but the only difference is that this command shows the information of hardware memory over the terminal. Because it will open the memory info file over the terminal.

cat /proc/interrupts

This command is also similar to the above command but there is the difference of one thing that this command will display lists the number of interrupts per CPU per input output device.


This command is used in Linux operating system to displays information on hardware configuration of the system in Linux.


The "lsblk" command is used in Linux operating system to displays block device related information in the Linux operating system.


The "dmidecode" command is used in Linux distributions to display the information about hardware from the BIOS.

hdparm -i /dev/sda

The hdparm command basically used to display the information about the disks available in the system. If you wanna know the information about the "sda" disk so just type "hdparm -i /dev/sda" and if you wanna know the information about "sdb" so just type "hdparm -i /dev/sdb".

hdparm -tT

The "hdparm" command is used for displaying the information about disks as we discussed in above command. If you wanna do a read speed test on the disk sda or sdb just type the command "hdparm -tT /dev/sda".

badblocks -s /dev/sda

This command is used in linux to display test operations for unreadable blocks on disk sda. If the command is like "badblocks -s /dev/sdb" it will display test operations for unreadable blocks on disk sdb.

Continue reading

Insecurities Of WhatsApp's, Signal's, And Threema's Group Chats

Recently, the theoretical and practical analysis of secure instant messenger protocols received much attention, but the focus of prior evaluations mostly lay in one-to-one communication. In this blog post we want to presents the results of our work that focuses on group chat protocols of three major instant messenger applications; namely Signal, WhatsApp, and Threema.

In this blog post, we aim to focus on the practical impact and the found weaknesses identified by our analysis. The interested reader may also look into our paper for more details.

Our Aim and What We Were Looking For

End-to-end encryption protects the confidentiality of communication that is forwarded via central servers to the designated receivers. As a consequence, neither parties on the network route of the messages, nor the provider of the central server (e.g. the WhatsApp server) should be able to read any information out of the observation of the communication. In particular, no other user of the application should have access to the communication. Further it might be desirable to require that also the messages' integrity is end-to-end protected and that a sender is informed about the delivery state of sent messages.
Delivery state information in Signal (upper screenshot) and WhatsApp (lower screenshot)

In a two party scenario, this analysis is rather fixed to two components of the protocol: the key establishment between both parties and the communication channel protection using the established key (mostly consisting of an encryption algorithm and a scheme for providing integrity like MACs or signature schemes).

Regarded attackers

In a group setting, the same attackers apply (network, provider, other users). However the requirements for secure communication differ. It is further necessary that only group members can write to and read content from the group. Additionally, only administrators of the group are able to add new members.

In addition to these standard requirements, we also evaluated the protocols' security guarantees if the client's secrets were revealed (forward secrecy and future secrecy).

Our Approach

We analyzed the mentioned protocols by reading the source code and debugging the apps. We also used alternative open source implementations of Threema and WhatsApp as a help and we traced the network traffic. When using alternative implementations, we only took incoming traffic into account, which was generated by official applications. Thereby we extracted the protocol descriptions and evaluated them regarding the defined requirements.

Our Findings

In WhatsApp and Threema, the provider was able to manipulate the set of members. Threema only allowed the provider to rewind the set of members to a previous state. As a consequence previously removed members could have been added to the group again. The WhatsApp provider is able to arbitrarily manipulate the member set. Thereby further members and administrators can be added to the group. Since the authenticity of group manipulation is not protected, the WhatsApp provider can set the real group administrator as the source of manipulation even though this administrator was not active.

Since Signal's key exchange protocol provides future secrecy, we also evaluated the protocol's ability to recover into a secure group state after a member's state was compromised. The essential weakness here is that a sender only needs to know the static group ID to send a message to the group. If a group member receives a message with the correct group ID, no verification regarding the current member set takes place but the message is directly added to the group communication. Consequently it is sufficient to retrieve the group ID in order to send messages to the group. Since Signal treats content messages the same way as messages for the manipulation of the group set, an attacker who knows the group ID can add herself to the group and thereby read the subsequent group communication.

In addition to this, in all cases the delivery state of sent messages was not securely provided. Threema's group chats do not inform the sender about the delivery state while Signal and WhatsApp do not protect the delivery information on the end-to-end layer. Therefore the central provider can forge this information and drop messages without letting the communicating parties detect this.

Also the order of messages was manipulable for the providers of the applications such that the provider is able to deliver the messages in a different order than they were sent. Threema's weakness of rewinding a group state results from missing replay attack protection.

Impact of Weaknesses

Even though end-to-end encryption is implemented in all analyzed applications, the central providers can largely manipulate the communication in groups and partially also read it.
In all applications, the provider can undetectably drop and reorder messages during the delivery and thereby manipulate the view of the communication such that further attacks can be obfuscated.
The central servers of WhatsApp can be used to add arbitrary users to groups and thereby receive their communication.
To achieve the same result for Signal, it suffices to retrieve the group ID. An earlier member who left the group once still knows this ID since it is static. However, in contrast to WhatsApp, the origin of the manipulation is correctly displayed in the Signal application (which was not the fact when we started our analysis).

As a result, the end-to-end protection of WhatsApp is not sufficient to reach confidentiality in groups. For Signal no future secrecy is reached in groups and Threema was vulnerable to replay attacks which resulted in further weaknesses.

Responsible Disclosure

We disclosed our findings to the developers and received varying response. Threema updated their protocol in version 3.14 such that our attacks are not feasible anymore. Moxie Marlinspike responded that Signal is "working on an entirely new group mechanism that we should be deploying soon". WhatsApp did not hold out the prospect of fixing the described vulnerabilities (Update 01/18: According to Facebook's Security Head, the invite links make a fix more difficult [1]; we proposed a way to solve this issue [2]).

[2] information

HiddenWasp Linux Malware Backdoor Samples

Here are Hidden Wasp Linux backdoor samples. 



Intezer HiddenWasp Malware Stings Targeted Linux Systems 


File informatio




 elf shared-lib

64bits elf shared-lib



tar-bundle gzip contains-elf

 tar-bundle gzip

64bits elf 
More info

HiddenWasp Linux Malware Backdoor Samples

Here are Hidden Wasp Linux backdoor samples. 



Intezer HiddenWasp Malware Stings Targeted Linux Systems 


File informatio




 elf shared-lib

64bits elf shared-lib



tar-bundle gzip contains-elf

 tar-bundle gzip

64bits elf 
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Networking | Switching And Routing | Tutorial 3 | 2018

Welcome to my 3rd new tutorial of networking (Routing and Switching). In this blog you will able to watch an interesting video about basic device navigation such as changing device (router or switch) name, configuration of login password, configuring a device information, router IP addresses and many more.

What is router?

Router is a network layer device which is the 3rd layer in the OSI model which is used to communicate different networks. It is an intelligent device fixed at the boundary of network that connects to other networks and responsible for end to end delivery of the packet that requires an IP address which is known as the logical address which is the basic identity of the device just like our identity card number or roll number and so on, for the identification of source and destination devices. Router is the gateway of the network having two interfaces such as inbound and the outbound interface through which the traffic comes in from different networks and comes out traffic to the different networks.

What is an IP address?

Internet protocol (IP) address is a numeric label given to each and every device in the network for the identification of the device just like our roll numbers in collages, universities which identity each and every student uniquely everywhere. So same concept here, it is a logical address which is used whenever the device want to communicate outside the network that means to another network.

What is Switch?

Switch is basically layer 2 device, which is used to connect two or more than two devices with each other in the same network. It is an intelligent device which doesn't allow the broadcast. It requires Media access control (MAC) address to communicate within the network. Now let's move to the video for further.

Until Next time: 

Cheers, and enjoy the tool for your personal use testing devices, feedback and bug reports are appreciated.  I have another RF blog coming out shortly based on my friends research into hacking garages/gates and creating keyfobs.  I will post when its ready. 

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