Friday, June 27, 2008

1st week at work all done!

Well, it's Friday and the first week back at work is officially over! It went well (a little slow) but I'm glad to be back. Don't get me wrong, I love the boys, but staying at home all day is not my cup of tea. Anyways, I'm looking forward to getting back into the grind of all of my job duties since my temporary replacement from work leaves on 7/11. I'm basically stepping back into my current role as if I'd had never left. Our corporate offices are moving this November to downtown Bellevue which is approximately 6 or so miles I'm guessing from where our current office buildings are. It'll be nice since I'll get to take the bus from my house directly to work. The Bellevue transit station is one block from our new building:) It will only be one bus and with the gas the way it is and continually going up, at least we'll be saving money that way. My bus rides are all free and paid for by work (we have free bus passes) and they are going to for at least one year give us $75 a month to not park at the new office since parking is so scarce. So, I'll save money by not spending any money on gas and getting an additonal bonus of $900 for the first year....NICE!!! Philip will then park his truck and drive my jeep, so too saving him $$$ as well.

We are getting family pictures tomorrow...hopefully all goes well and we can get Jordan to put a smile on. Since it seems turning 2 it has been a challenge to smile for professional photos, but have the camera out at home and he can't seem to be in enough pictures! These are the first family photos with us as a family of 4. Justin is now 3 months old so I'll make sure to hopefully get a couple of the pictures posted out here when available and if able to do so. The last family photo was in October of 2006 so it has been a year and half...we're due!

This weekend the weather is to be into the 90's here! Kind of reminds me of Vegas back when it was April/May there:) I'm so glad we have A/ was our best investement, I think, to date! Well, I'm off to bed as both kids are asleep and I'm beat!!! By the way Justin is and has since 1-2 months old only getting up one time a night...last night he slept the entire night from 7:30 PM to 5:30 AM when Philip woke him to change his diaper, feed him, so as to have the boys at daycare at 0630 which he has been doing a great job with in getting them there when the place opens! Hopefully we have another good night!!!

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