Saturday, July 5, 2008

July 4th Weekend

Happy 4th of July all!!!

We've had a relaxing weekend thus far and plan too tomorrow as well! Jordan got to stay up late (9:45p) so he could see his first fireworks. He was actually scared and huddled up in the back of my jeep plugging his ears. His favorites were the colored smoke bombs since they were quite and colorful. He was fun to watch. This was actually our first time doing actually doing fireworks since we've been here. Justin was asleep at 7:30p with no 'peep' until he got up at 0330 for some food and a diaper change. He slept right through it all...:) Philip made beef and pineapple shish-ke-bobs on the grill...were they ever yummy! We got to enjoy our first dinner out on the new patio we just had installed over Memorial Day weekend since we finally got patio furniture which we made sure to have it for the 4th of July. Here are a couple of pictures below of the patio. I've also included a few other pictures of Jordan watching the I mentioned he was more scared then not and had a total melt down earlier in the day when daddy bought them because he thought they were toys to be played with. Saying he had to wait until nightime didn't really fact, nightime couldn't come soon enough:) Which is why he's wearing his jammies for bed and boots the easily go on and off! You wouldn't be able to tell looking at the pictures from the big 'cheesy' smile he's giving!

Otherwise things on the home front have been going great...Justin has started to reach up and grab things with his hands from on his play mat. He is getting so big so fast! I think Philip and I have gotten into a routine now that this past week was the 2nd week I was back at work, still not a full week though, so next week should be challenging since it is a full 5-day work week! I was completely exhausted this past Thursday; I can't imagine what I'll feel like by Friday of next week! Anyways I hope everyone has and did have a great 4th of July...Below are a few more pictures of the boys. In the last one, that is Jordan's new friend Samantha who lives directly across the street. She too is 3 years old, we've been spending a lot of time playing with them playing in their backyard, going for walks, and playing at the park. In fact, one time a couple of weeks ago Jordan tried giving Samantha a kiss...she ran away screaming! I think we've hopefully got a lover, not a fighter on our hand!!!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Just getting around to reading your blog, love it! How the heck do you find the time....The boys are so darn cute and getting so big. Love your new porch, we are thinking about getting one too. Cameron woke up due to all the noise at our house the night of the big fireworks here. It was kind of funny since he had never been outside during the evening hours. I brought him out to check out the fireworks and he was quite surprised to see all the people over. Hopefully he doesn't think we have parties every night when he goes to bed :0) He kept looking up and asking "what's that" pointing at the stars. Poor kid never saw a star let alone fireworks. He like them but was more interested in the Tiki torches Chris put up around the driveway to keep the mosquitos away. Derek is growing like a weed and just got his first tooth last week. He also had a sinus infection and has been on an antibiotic. Cameron about knocked his front tooth out when he fell off a stool while brushing his teeth. That kid is full of bruises! All boy for sure. Glad to hear Jordan has a play mate in the neighborhood. Sure does make it nice to have others to share stories with. Well gotta run, love you all.