Tuesday, October 13, 2009

1st Tooth

Jordan lost his first tooth today...after I discovered on Saturday that there was an extra gap in his teeth while I was brushing them after he brushed them; I then wiggled his tooth and was like holy crap!!!! By Sunday, after all of Jordan's playing with it, it was a whole lot looser that I figured it would be out by the end of the week...well, it didn't even last past today when I got a call from daycare saying Jordan brought his teacher his tooth. They didn't even know his tooth was loose since I didn't remember to tell them. I was all concerned, but the dentist reassured me there was nothing wrong except for the fact that he's earlier then the average kids (5-6 years old) when they lose their teeth. I've taken a picture and posted it out on my facebook page for your viewing pleasure!

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