Saturday, December 19, 2009

New beginnings...

It's been awhile since I been on here as I've sort of migrated over to Facebook. Though I can't write stories and lengthy updates, so I figured I'd come back over to here to do that. The boys started at their new daycare this past Thursday (12/17). It's called the SchoolKids Clubhouse.

We just did not feel that the other daycare was a safe environment for the boys to be in so we moved them. It was mutual on the part of the daycare as well as the owner was refusing to take ownership of the problems. The front door had been left open a couple of times (one by an actual teacher that Philip saw) and then the last straw was when a contractor working on the premises left a battery operated power saw outside with the battery still on and it actually worked as Philip turned it on and sure enough the thing came on! We thought if kids were able to freely walk outside on their own and cut their friggen' fingers off, they no longer needed to be there. Anywhoo, this new daycare is working out great so is very different and seems to be a lot more structured all the way around, and since it goes up to 12 years old, the boys will get driven to school and have the availability for before and after daycare and then summer day camps too when they aren't in school! Jordan has made a new little girlfriend already and they told me that on day 1; oh my gosh, what a ladies man!:-) Justin cries when he gets dropped off because its a new place AND his brother isn't with him at the beginning...they go directly into their own classes when they are dropped off at 0700. Before, they stayed together in one room until it got later and more kids came in like around 0730-0800. He doesn't cry forever and by the time I get there to pick him up in the evenings, he's been playing and hanging out like he used to at the old place. I think it'll just take him a smidge longer to get used to it from drop off.

Philip and I are both now on a 3-week break until school starts back up in January. Of course being so busy, we are not at all done Christmas shopping let alone have we even started wrapping presents. Last year I did it Christmas Eve...I'd like to get it done earlier then that this year. Today I got all of the stocking stuffers, so at least that part is all done. I am actually on vacation now until December 29th:-) Monday I'm going to get a glycolic peel/facial...I've heard it hurts like hell, but this was my Birthday present from Philip and I wasn't in the mood for a massage so I went for this. My neighbor Mary Kay has been getting them done pretty regularly so we'll have to talk and compare notes!

On a side note, Jordan has lost his 3rd tooth already...all 3 were on the bottom; those huge teeth that come in push out his little baby teeth! I don't even see the 3rd tooth popping through yet let alone where there is actually room for it to come in....can you say 'braces'?

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