Tuesday, September 30, 2008

We're back!

Yup, we are back from our vacation to MI (actually since Saturday)...it wasn't the greatest vacation since Grandma went to the emergency room on Saturday night about 10p (9/20) and was there through the afternoon of the 17th. She ended up having a VERY bad case of bronchitus to include having an asthma attack:(

I took Justin to a med express for a check-up on Tuesday evening since he was coughing horribly that it seemed to be hurting him when he did it and he had a really runny nose. In the end the doctor said nothing was wrong with him, albeit, my cousin Sara said the man was a 'quack'!!!:) I'd have to agree with her, but after the doctor visit Justin almost instantaneously started to get better by eating a lot of his food, sleeping, and not coughing so much. I think he just wanted to take a ride:)

Philip had to leave for a business meeting Tuesday morning (had to be at the airport by 0530) so I had to get up early and then I picked him back up at 0940 on Thursday morning from a red-eye flight back the following day (Wednesday). The meeting was to originally be a conference call but at the last minute it was determined that he really should be back at the office. The ticket from MBS airport roundtrip to Seatac cost his company $2K since it was booked last minute.

Needless to say, we didn't get a lot of extra activities planned except for to visit family:) We did however get out on dad's pontoon boat on Saturday morning/afternoon (9/20) for a fishing expedition. Justin stayed home with Grandma while Jordan, us, Grandpa, and Uncle Dave & Aunt Deb did some SERIOUS fishing...I saw more fish at my neighborhood grocery store if that tells you anything!

I will post some pictures in the coming days...it's good to be back!

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