Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Change of plans!

We decided to go to NW Trek this coming Saturday instead since the weather is supposed to be sunny and close to 80 degrees, if not higher. It ended up not even being 70 degrees yesterday...well below the normal averages. The sun peeked here and there, but this coming weekend should definitely be better to be outside before the rain and fall/winter gets here.

I can't believe it...Justin is 5 months old today! Time sure does fly by...he is getting so big that facing backwards in his car seat now since he's not yet 20 pounds means his legs have to be bent since he's longer then the car seat. I think we are going to have to invest in a convertible car seat now that is bigger and reclines so that he'll have more room to stretch out until he can face forward. I think he'll be taking after Jordan in the really tall and really skinny department. Jordan's in 4T shirts but only 3T pants since he needs the 3T pants for the waist but the length is a little short, not quite high-water, like his 2T pants were! In fact, I just moved Jordan out of 2T pants because the length was just about at his knees...poor little guy looked 'silly'!


Anonymous said...

Jordan will get the potty training one day. Ashlee finally got it on June 30, 2008 and she was 3 1/2 years old. I thought I was going to have to send her to preschool again in training pants again. She is supposed to be potty trained before going to preschool, but we kinda sneak her in last year, by keeping her in training pants and telling her not to go poo poo while she is in school. Thankfully preschool was only an 1 hour and 15 minutes. Surprisingly, once she got the potty training down doing the day. She is now wearing panties and she only had 3 accidents since June 30th. We still keep her in training pants at night, because we did not want to deal with wet bed each night. She actually potty training herself at night. She gets up to let us know that she needs to use the bathroom or let us know that she needs her training pants change, because she went pee pee in them. She actually freaks out at night when she wets her training pants. Ashlee has only wet about 5-10 training diapers at night. I was surprise how easy it was potty training her at night than the daytime.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention that we were not going to push her yet on going to the bathroom at night until the beginning of new year, because we did not want to push her since she only started to go potty in the daytime. I guess she decided she hates having a wet training pants at night. I hope by the beginning of the year we can leave her in panties all night long.