Monday, January 5, 2009

Justin's 9-month stats

Justin had his 9-month check up today and is growing like a weed AND developing ear infections like they're cool....yup, another one in his right ear; can't I catch a break:)

Ht. - 30 1/4" long (95th %)
Wt. - 19 lbs. 13 oz. (75th %)
HCM - 45cm

He seems to have 'spurted' since his 6-month check comparison, at Jordan's 9-month check up, he was:

Ht. - 28 1/2" long
Wt. - 17 lbs. 15 oz. (75th %)
HCM - 44.5cm

I guess all goes to show, EITHER Jordan's got a big head or Justin's got a little head!!! I wonder how close in comparison they'll be at the 1-year check up...Philip and I are thinking that Justin will actually outpace Jordan and get bigger then him; I guess we'll just have to wait and see!

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