Saturday, January 17, 2009

We're still here...

It's been longer then usual since I've posted something, but it's been pretty non-eventful here...

Philip leaves tomorrow morning headed for DC for the inauguration on Tuesday and then its onto KY for the remainder of the week for work. Next week will be one sure busy week for me between adjusting my work schedule, taking care of the boys, and trying to get school work done (school started again this week):)

Hopefully he'll get some good/great pictures since he bought this brand new Nikon Digital mega zoom camera just for the event, though he spun it like we needed to replace our point and shoot digital camera...not sure that was exactly the case; I think HE really wanted the camera and the inauguration is the best excuse for him to buy one:)

Anyways, the rest of the fam is going great and I'll check back in hopefully sometime later this week!

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