Sunday, February 1, 2009

We really did it

We bought a Wii yesterday...Jordan (and daddy!) are having lots of fun playing all the games. The Wii's normally sell for $249.99 and of course since Circuit City is going out of business, we happened to stop in there; not for the purpose of buying a Wii, but just to see what prices they had on items. The Wii's were up high on a shelf that an employee was 'guarding' and had to get up to get...the price was $199.99; we saved $50, so we said what the heck and got one. As soon as we picked one up, they seemed to just start flying off the shelf. We left with only a handful left; I'm sure they'd be gone before the end of the day! Jordan & daddy have been bowling, golfing, playing baseball, pool, ping pong, and a bunch of other stuff. This is Jordan's early birthday present...and maybe Philip's too:)

Philip's friend Daren has one too; this is who's house we've been over too for Thanksgiving and this past month just to hang out. Philip is going to get practice in on the side without telling Daren so that the next time we go over to their house, Philip & Jordan can both kick Daren's butt!

I'll have to let you all know who gets better at, Jordan or Daddy; stay tuned...

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