Thursday, May 21, 2009

Updates - It's been awhile!

Wow, how time flies...I've not been so diligent in keeping up this month with the blog:-(  It seems like we've just been so busy, plus it doesn't help that we've had internet and phone problems that if you may notice...are still ongoing!
Anyways, we are all doing great!  Jordan about ripped his poor little pointer finger off by sticking his finger through a plexiglass hole at JcPenney on one of their racks (to be precise, it was over by the rugs) and of course I didn't know that so I took off pushing the stroller when I hear this screaming and crying and I look down and his finger is bleeding and a small portion of the skin on his finger was pulled back!  It was chaos...a lady from the store came running over asking 'did he put his finger in the holes'?  She said a lot of kids do that...I'm like maybe you should do something about it!  Another stranger gave Jordan $2 because she felt really bad; just trying to cheer him up.  Long story short, his finger is looking substantially better now and healing nicely.  Justin was just wondering what the heck was going on.  Besides that, Jordan has been really playing with his brother a lot, but also taking stuff from him saying 'it's mine'!  I've told Jordan he had better watch out cuz Justin will get big soon enough and will start taking his stuff back!!!
Justin is just about 14 months old now and growing like a weed!  He loves his food and you can't feed him fast enough when he is eating!  He climbs onto everything and has got a few little words in his vocabulary now like, mommy, daddy, oh oh, and bye (with a hand wave too)! 
We are heading out camping tomorrow morning for the long weekend.  Philip and I took Friday off so we could get a head start and beat traffic down the I-5 corridor since we are heading to Lincoln City, OR.  It's not supposed to rain, but because we will be out on the coast, it is to be about 10 degrees colder there then at home.  Our weather here at home is to be in the low-mid 70''s taken forever for spring to get here and in just a few weeks summer will actually be here already!  I'll post out pictures of our adventure as soon as I'm able, hopefully by next weekend....:-) 
I'll post out some new pictures of the boys tonight (if the internet is working at home)!
Have a Happy Memorial Day weekend!

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