Saturday, May 30, 2009

Camping Trip - Lincoln City, OR

Well our camping trip last weekend over the extended holiday vacation was very fun. We went to the Oregon Coast Aquarium, the beach where Jordan got to fly his own kite all by himself, we even did a little shopping at the tanger outlets, and then of course fun at the KOA campsite. The aquarium was basically outside whereas the Seattle aquarium is inside a building...Philip and I agreed they basically way OVERcharged for what they had there, but I guess you go once, say you've been there, and be done. The boys definitely had fun...Justin was watching and pointing at all of the animals he could and Jordan, well he was asking so many questions...I thought I was the tour guide for the park:-) So inquisitive they are at this age! The campsite was great and we were in a cool spot; though we did have to back in to the spot and being newbies at this was cause for concern but we were lucky in that the trailer across the way hadn't showed up yet so we were basically able to use his spot to pull through and then back into are spot; we had no idea how we would've done that if the trailer had been there! The ladies next to us had said, that's why we refuse that spot for that purpose of the angle in having to back into it...oh well, if we go back, we've got our numbered spot (#21) we would want:-) Lessons learned...again! Both of the boys got to play in the sand at the beach (mind you with fleeces and hoods on); they were building sandcastles, digging holes, and plain just having fun; IT WAS GREAT to see them playing together!!!

We've got lots of pictures to share, but are in the process of restoring our computer back to factory settings and getting significantly faster dsl for our Internet. As you can see things are progressing (at least the Internet is back up and running & for sure faster), but the Obama camera has yet to be reloaded and installed for the pictures. I'll post as soon as that happens; hopefully not before both boys are in kindergarten:-) I kept Justin outside at the campsite on Saturday night with his blue birthday fleece/hooded jacket on since it was windy and cold, but he still got a very runny nose and was sick with a cold up until just a couple of days ago...he seems to be doing quite fine now but I've learned he can't be out at night unless it's warmer! Hopefully I'll get the pictures posted tomorrow...

Jordan got to stay up way past his bedtime every night and we are still reliving that nightmare to this night...It's 8:13p right now and his bedtime is at 8p; he'll give all kinds of excuses at bed...I need water, I gotta go potty, I need to be covered up, where's my cow?, where's my lamb?, etc...I'm sure you mom's know how that goes:-) He is SO sleepy right now!!! He definitely had a lot of fun camping; In fact, he met a couple of kids that he was able to play with at camp at the play yard.

Philip and I were able to have a little while to ourselves when both boys went to bed and we huddled around the campfire chatting (until the wood burned out)! I think we are going to buy a trailer of wood to have stored at our house so that we can just throw it in the trailer and go; it seems to be the cheaper way then buying bundles at the campsites, plus the bundles you buy don't last long enough that obviously you end up buying more! We kept busy the entire time, but also Philip was able to make us all breakfast every morning and dinners in the was great (and tasted good too)!

What was funny was that we had wanted to leave the house at 10a and we did, but then once we got the 3 miles away to pick up the boys at daycare and continue heading down the road, I had actually forgot a couple of things that we had to turn around...Philip said "I had wanted to be on the road at 10a" (our first trip, we had wanted to be on the road at noon and ended up on the road at 2:30); I said "hey, look at it like this we are getting 2 hours better each trip, so by time we get to our next camping trip (2 weeks to Leavenworth, WA), we actually might get ahead of ourselves:-) and leave 1 1/2 hours earlier then we planned"! I guess stay tuned....

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