Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween & Hello to the refrigerator repair man!!!

Justin was a bumblebee and Jordan was the red turbo ranger. Jordan went out trick or treating while Justin stayed home with me and literally gave out candy along side of me. As soon as I put candy in the kids' bag, he was right behind me putting more candy in; oh well, I didn't want any candy left over anyways:-)

At the same time Philip took Jordan out trick or treating in the neighborhood, I was at home handing out candy waiting for the refrigerator repair man to come. Yup, we call this service that is 24/7 and is $54 no matter it it's 0100 on Sunday or 3p on a Thursday. They were also 1/2 the price on this point then Sears was and Sears wasn't even able to come out until the next following Saturday, so basically a week from today. They expected us to live out of ice packed coolers in the garage for the week I guess. Philip and I weren't in the mood to go buy a new refrigerator and it ended up costing us w/tax $246 (this includes the $54 charged just for coming out). You basically pay for the parts. They were at our house on Halloween between 7-8p and were headed to one last call after ours. No rest for the refrigerator repairmen I guess:-)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

OMG - 2nd tooth???

Jordan lost his 2nd tooth today; what a friggen surprise...this time it was daycare who called and surprised me. Jordan again brought his teacher his tooth and this time I paniced as I was like OMG all of his teeth are falling out as he's got problems with his gums and/or a disease. AGAIN, the dentist actually called me back to reassure me that this is very normal except that he's just earlier then most kids. I did just look in his mouth and I CAN SEE the tooth coming up on the tooth he lost on Tuesday; as I told Jordan the next thing he's going to be doing is coming home and asking mommy for the keys to the car! He laughed and said no I'm not...again I posted an even bigger gap smile pic to facebook today.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

1st Tooth

Jordan lost his first tooth today...after I discovered on Saturday that there was an extra gap in his teeth while I was brushing them after he brushed them; I then wiggled his tooth and was like holy crap!!!! By Sunday, after all of Jordan's playing with it, it was a whole lot looser that I figured it would be out by the end of the week...well, it didn't even last past today when I got a call from daycare saying Jordan brought his teacher his tooth. They didn't even know his tooth was loose since I didn't remember to tell them. I was all concerned, but the dentist reassured me there was nothing wrong except for the fact that he's earlier then the average kids (5-6 years old) when they lose their teeth. I've taken a picture and posted it out on my facebook page for your viewing pleasure!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

18-month Check up

Justin had his 18-month check up on Friday...hard to believe!

He's 26.8 lbs (55th%) and 34 1/2" long (95th%). What's up with the long and skinny kids?:-) Both him and Jordan share the same kind of stats; tall kids on the slender side...wish I could say that:-)

Other then that he was all healthy! I totally forgot to get Jordan's stats while we were there, so I'll have to get them and come back to post them hopefully tomorrow for the compare.