Tuesday, September 30, 2008

We're back!

Yup, we are back from our vacation to MI (actually since Saturday)...it wasn't the greatest vacation since Grandma went to the emergency room on Saturday night about 10p (9/20) and was there through the afternoon of the 17th. She ended up having a VERY bad case of bronchitus to include having an asthma attack:(

I took Justin to a med express for a check-up on Tuesday evening since he was coughing horribly that it seemed to be hurting him when he did it and he had a really runny nose. In the end the doctor said nothing was wrong with him, albeit, my cousin Sara said the man was a 'quack'!!!:) I'd have to agree with her, but after the doctor visit Justin almost instantaneously started to get better by eating a lot of his food, sleeping, and not coughing so much. I think he just wanted to take a ride:)

Philip had to leave for a business meeting Tuesday morning (had to be at the airport by 0530) so I had to get up early and then I picked him back up at 0940 on Thursday morning from a red-eye flight back the following day (Wednesday). The meeting was to originally be a conference call but at the last minute it was determined that he really should be back at the office. The ticket from MBS airport roundtrip to Seatac cost his company $2K since it was booked last minute.

Needless to say, we didn't get a lot of extra activities planned except for to visit family:) We did however get out on dad's pontoon boat on Saturday morning/afternoon (9/20) for a fishing expedition. Justin stayed home with Grandma while Jordan, us, Grandpa, and Uncle Dave & Aunt Deb did some SERIOUS fishing...I saw more fish at my neighborhood grocery store if that tells you anything!

I will post some pictures in the coming days...it's good to be back!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Summer 2008 - it's officially over!

Summer is officially over! The weather here has turned crappy...I was able to get out with the boys over the weekend down to our little park and have some fun. Below is a slideshow capturing the final Hooh-rah of Summer 2008!

It's funny how we are flying out today to go to MI and the weather here is the usual Seattle weather (misty, grey, cold) but we are going to MI for sunny and 70's:) Lucky for us we get an extended 'summer'! With that said, I'm signing off for the next 2 weeks and will update the blog with pictures/vacation when we get back and settled back in.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Family of 4

Justin is 5 1/2 months old and is REALLY trying to sit up on his own. If he's in his car seat, he can sit up with a little assist from big brother! We had our first dinner at the kitchen table as a family of 4 on Sunday, well Justin didn't eat, he actually more or so just played but he enjoyed himself since he got to see everyone from his point of view as sharing the head of the table with Daddy:)

Who do I look like? See the poll off to the right and choose an answer!
Is this what the kitchen table looks like from the top view?

Jordan STILL just loves his brother to pieces!


On Saturday we all went to the Pierce County's 1st Annual Touch-A-Truck event. There were dozens of big trucks/vehicles that kids were able to climb on, honk horns, turn on lights, and sit in the drivers seat. Jordan had a ball and it helped that it was over 80 degrees and sunny (on a side note, it's still over 80 and sunny today). We were there when it opened at 10a and left at 11:30. The event went until 1p and I'm sure Jordan would've actually liked to have stayed that entire time! He had SO much fun...he was a little reluctant/shy when we first arrived but it sure didn't take long for him to get into the fun! Below is a slideshow of the fun Jordan did have.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Here are just a few pictures of the boys. Jordan just loves riding his trike and his little brother!

I leave Justin alone for a few minutes and he's already digging into Jordan's Sesame Street gamebox!
Justin hanging out on Daddy's lap!
and hanging out in his carseat ready to go!

Monday, September 8, 2008

NW Trek - last visit of the summer!

We finally made it out for our final visit before the summer ends! We went Saturday from about 12p to 4p, rode the tram to see the animals free roaming, saw all of the other animals, ate lunch at the cafe, and had some ice cream on the way out. It was a great way to end the summer! We didn't tell Jordan where we were going...we just told him to get ready and we were going to go somewhere fun. As soon as we pulled up to the main entrance he right of way yelled out that he wanted to see the animals. He knew exactly where we were at and wanted to ride the 'train' (albeit it is really a tram - 3 bus type carts hooked together with roofs and windows that are taken out for the summer).

Jordan even took pictures himself with the digital camera...the ones with the animals he took didn't come out, but the ones he took of me and daddy look perfect! He's getting bigger by the day and wants to do everything himself.

I'm attaching a slideshow of quite a few pictures of the day to include pictures of the animals and the scenery...enjoy!

NW Trek - Photo Slideshow

It's a 'Great Poop Day' Charlie Brown!

Jordan FINALLY went poop on the toilet all on his own on Saturday! I never thought I'd be so excited to see poop in the toilet...I told him to go potty; he then yells out 'Mommy, I pooped'! Yeah!!! The excitement was short-lived however as he pooped on himself yesterday while we were down at the park...this potty training thing is sure a roller coaster ride! Oh well good news/bad news but progress is obviously being made. (Sorry if TMI)!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Change of plans!

We decided to go to NW Trek this coming Saturday instead since the weather is supposed to be sunny and close to 80 degrees, if not higher. It ended up not even being 70 degrees yesterday...well below the normal averages. The sun peeked here and there, but this coming weekend should definitely be better to be outside before the rain and fall/winter gets here.

I can't believe it...Justin is 5 months old today! Time sure does fly by...he is getting so big that facing backwards in his car seat now since he's not yet 20 pounds means his legs have to be bent since he's longer then the car seat. I think we are going to have to invest in a convertible car seat now that is bigger and reclines so that he'll have more room to stretch out until he can face forward. I think he'll be taking after Jordan in the really tall and really skinny department. Jordan's in 4T shirts but only 3T pants since he needs the 3T pants for the waist but the length is a little short, not quite high-water, like his 2T pants were! In fact, I just moved Jordan out of 2T pants because the length was just about at his knees...poor little guy looked 'silly'!