Sunday, August 31, 2008

It's been 1 week...

Well it's now been one full week since Jordan has been in big boy underpants. He had a couple of accidents here and there, but all in all, he's been doing very good! Well, I should say I'm talking pee pee since poo poo is an entirely different story. For whatever reason, he's not inclined to poop on the potty as much as he is to poop in his underpants, come find me, and tell me to dump his poop into the potty so he can flush the toilet. I don't understand why he can't just sit on the potty and poop directly into it. I don't know why we have to go through this entire process for 'pooping'. This whole potty training thing is so strange to me, I DEFINITELY found it easier to potty train my two pugs when they were weeks old then training my 3 year old!!! Oh well, work in progress and we are definitely mastering the day pee potty training...I can only hope and be thankful for baby steps:)

We are going to Northwest Trek tomorrow for Labor Day since it is supposed to be the nicest of the three days this weekend. I'll have to post some pictures hopefully tomorrow and let you know how it all went. Jordan doesn't know yet, so it will be a great big happy surprise for him.

On a happy note, we are approximately one weekend away from having a completely remodeled 1/2 bath. Philip cut the white baseboard today so now they just have to be painted a white that matches our existing molding and installed. The final item to finish in the bathroom is the install of crown molding. I should have pictures of this real soon to post...

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