Saturday, January 17, 2009

We're still here...

It's been longer then usual since I've posted something, but it's been pretty non-eventful here...

Philip leaves tomorrow morning headed for DC for the inauguration on Tuesday and then its onto KY for the remainder of the week for work. Next week will be one sure busy week for me between adjusting my work schedule, taking care of the boys, and trying to get school work done (school started again this week):)

Hopefully he'll get some good/great pictures since he bought this brand new Nikon Digital mega zoom camera just for the event, though he spun it like we needed to replace our point and shoot digital camera...not sure that was exactly the case; I think HE really wanted the camera and the inauguration is the best excuse for him to buy one:)

Anyways, the rest of the fam is going great and I'll check back in hopefully sometime later this week!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Can't Catch Me!

As promised, here's a couple short video clips of Justin doing his 'thing'...Can he really only be 9 months old?

Here's my first try...not so good! (No babies were harmed in the making of this video!)

Now just look at me go...I had to get my legs up under me working right!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Justin's 9-month stats

Justin had his 9-month check up today and is growing like a weed AND developing ear infections like they're cool....yup, another one in his right ear; can't I catch a break:)

Ht. - 30 1/4" long (95th %)
Wt. - 19 lbs. 13 oz. (75th %)
HCM - 45cm

He seems to have 'spurted' since his 6-month check comparison, at Jordan's 9-month check up, he was:

Ht. - 28 1/2" long
Wt. - 17 lbs. 15 oz. (75th %)
HCM - 44.5cm

I guess all goes to show, EITHER Jordan's got a big head or Justin's got a little head!!! I wonder how close in comparison they'll be at the 1-year check up...Philip and I are thinking that Justin will actually outpace Jordan and get bigger then him; I guess we'll just have to wait and see!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year & family update!!!

Well, it's actually 4 days into the New Year...things here are going great! Justin turned 9 months old this past Friday and actually started walking on 1/1 behind his little car that he can push. I video taped it, but now I'm having issues trying to get it to upload to the computer; either something is broken or the computer is too full! I've never had the problem before, so once I get it figured out, I'll post a short video clip of little Justin walking.

Jordan has been day potty trained now for a couple of weeks...YEAH!!! He actually goes #1 and #2 in the potty on his own; would've thought we'd ever get to this point. I'm not sure when we'll try the night time without wearing a pull-up, but if that's all I've got to worry about, then we can live with that for awhile:)

The boys have started playing more together so much that Jordan actually now gets agitated when Justin tries to play with 'his' toys. They have been caught rolling around and playing on the ground with each other! It is SO cute!

I'm on school break for 1 more week:) You'd think I'd be getting a lot of 'stuff' done, when actually I've really gotten nothing done! In fact, I just sent out Xmas presents and cards the week after Christmas...I think it's because of all of the snow we had that we were housebound and not venturing out that often; this isn't MI you know! Plus too I've forgotten how to drive in all of that snow!

Philip is doing well and has got business travel plans set up for the week of the 19th. That will be a hectic week me by myself, but I've got a great friend a neighbor in Mary Kay who will be picking up the boys for me from daycare so I can get into the office everyday! The last three weeks with holiday's, vacation days, and snow days; I think I've only been in the office 4 days! Next week will feel like one REALLY long week since it is back to 5 days!

On a side note, we just put our first load of meat in our new freezer. We went to the Butcher Boys Meat market here in Puyallup for 60 lbs. of fresh meat...all variety; no more buying meat from the grocery stores. I'll have to get back to everyone one how it tastes since we are having our first couple of steaks tonight for dinner.