Wednesday, March 11, 2009

When it rains, it pours!

Well, where do I's only Wednesday but I really just wish it was summertime!

My last post on Friday night had us going to Cabela's on Saturday, well first off in trying to get there Philip's truck somewhat broke down on Hwy 512...he was able to spot that the radiator hose blew, so we were able to slowly drive 30-40mph back 1 mile or so to a Chevy dealer to get it fixed. Of course they had to get the dodge part from somewhere else and fix it, but all told that ended up taking a total of 1 1/2 hours. Whilst waiting, I said 'hey, we haven't eaten, let's go across the street to McDonald's'...It was like winter out pushing a stroller in headwinds down to the crosswalk and then back up the other side, but eventually we made it and got some food. The final brilliant plan of mine was to let Philip go back across the street to wait for them to finish up his truck and Jordan, Justin, and I would wait in the McDonald's play area; BAD IDEA (all you mom's out there probably know where this is going)!

To make a long story short, we made it to Cabela's & Camping World, however, Justin had other plans, threw up all over the cart and the floor, then passed it on Sunday to Jordan, Monday to Mommy, and Tuesday to Daddy who of course had to travel Monday through Wednesday so he spent his sick time away from the house whilst I was sick taking care of sick kids! Needless to say, I can't wait for summertime! Everyone is back to at least 90% w/the exception of Justin who still has something wrong with him...He's only drinking 1/2 the amount of bottles he's used to and once he swallows actual food, he throws it right back up. I'm taking him to the doctor on Friday since I called the doctor yesterday and he said if he wasn't back to normal by the end of the week to bring him in for a check up.

If I've learned anything from this fiasco it's to NOT EVER let your kids play at the McDonald's play area unless they are fully sanitized/scrubbed and disinfected before and after since I've never let Jordan play in there before until Saturday when all of a sudden we all get the rotovirus or something very close to it!!!

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