Sunday, March 15, 2009

Who said spring is this Friday?

We woke up today to snow on the I write this about 1/2 inch and it is STILL really coming down out there. I can't believe it is the middle of March and we've got snow on the ground with a whole bunch still coming down! Like Philip said this morning, it was really nice out on Friday (sunny & spring jackets), yesterday it was cold and rainy, and now today it's snowing with a wind advisory of upwards of 55 mph for the next 24 hours...what the hell is up with this weather? I'm SO done!!! I'll have to post a couple of pics once it's all done...

Last night we took Mary Kay out to dinner at the Ram Steakhouse and Brewery for, as Philip put it, the best rib eye steak in town! She was really the best friend you could've had this past Wednesday by taking care of sick kids so I could go to work...I don't know what we'd do without her! She's a great neighbor & even a better friend!!!

Justin is so funny...he now turns on and turns off tears at the drop of a dime! You tell him 'no-no' for doing something and he goes into this sad face and lets out a cry/wail of oh no you've hurt my feelings and then he moves on. He's getting so big so quickly...I can't believe he turns 1-year old in a couple of weeks.

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