Wednesday, March 25, 2009

If only I wasn't scared to let go...

I posted Justin first pushing this bike around a couple months back (I think) and now he basically runs behind it and steers it like he knows exactly what he's doing and where he wants to go. The video below really captures the love Justin has for this bike. As soon as we walk in the house from daycare, he's all over it until it's time to go to bed...I think he really wants to be upright and walking on his own, but can't quite figure out to let go and do it on his own. You'll see from my expert videography that I basically was going in circles trying to capture him and this bike without falling over myself:)

He's not walking on his own yet, though he has taken a step or two here and there without holding onto anything or someone. I'm giving him less then a month before he's walking on his own. He turns 1-year old a week from tomorrow...I'm wondering if by his birthday party on 4/18 if he won't be walking everywhere on his own. I'll let you all know as soon as it happens!

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