Monday, March 23, 2009

Plans are well under way!

Birthday plans are well under way for the boys, yes I said boys since I'm almost confident I can have one birthday party for both boys now without BOTH of them screaming it's their birthday, fighting, and then causing me to go to my grave early:) I figure Jordan will assume it's his birthday party, Justin won't know the difference, and I can kill two birds with one stone:) Philip and I were just discussing if this was something we could do for another 1 or two years, but I'm thinking maybe one and that's just a 'shaky' maybe because if I remember Jordan at 2, he was pretty much a chatter box and everything was already all about him:) I think this will be the only year where I won't have to have two birthday parties in April...three if you count Philip, but he hasn't had his own birthday party in a really long time so he can just piggyback off of the boys and choose one!

I asked Jordan who he wanted to invite and he picked all boys, though I've got an invitation out to his friend Wyatt whom he went to daycare with since they were 12 weeks old together. Wyatt had to go to a different daycare last year since his older sister started kindergarten and they wanted her to be bused to and fro after school daycare so Wyatt of course had to tag along. I'm hoping they come since Jordan would have a lot of fun! We are just having a BBQ at the house, though Jordan seems to think we are having it at Chuckie Cheese's; I think we are going to have to go and have lunch there one day just so he forgets about it (if that'll ever happen). He'll ask me for the car keys one day and say 'Ma, remember when you didn't have my Birthday party at Chuckie Cheese's and you said you would?' I CAN totally see that happening! Anyways, it is just going to be a few folks and kids.....AND Philip's mom (Nana) is making the trip up here for the birthday weekend too!

Well, I best be hitting the rack since it's about 9p here and I've got a bus to catch in the morning at 0445, yup you bet your sweet a-- that I get up at 0345 every morning! At least starting today, I'm off of school for the next 3 weeks:) Makes more time during the day and weekends to do other stuff...goodnight all!

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