Monday, June 1, 2009

Is it safe to say summer is FINALLY here?

Hard to believe the year is just about 1/2 over already and we'll be talking about and seeing Christmas & Halloween decorations soon enough! Time sure flies when you're having fun! Here's to an entire week of low 80's to mid-high 70's and sunshine!!!

The temperature has been wonderful here, in fact, it was 81 degrees today and is due to be 83 degrees tomorrow and Wednesday! These are the days why I'm so glad we had AC installed a couple of years ago:-) Philip hung ceiling fans in both boys' rooms yesterday...they are so cute; we got them at Home Depot. They are called discovery for Kids by Hunter and have rocket ships on the fan blades and like the globe/world for the glass enclosure. Actually, Jordan picked it out all by himself. By time Justin and I had made it around the corner, Philip had said here's the one Jordan wants...below is the link for the picture; obviously very popular since they are out of stock online!

Eventually we'll get a ceiling fan for our room too, but it's a work in process....I mean come on' we are STILL trying to finish our 1/2 bath mini remodel which is now going into year #2! At this rate, we'll be able to hire the boys to finish it for their mom and pop:-) If you go way back to the beginning of when I started blogging (June 08), yup one year ago, you'll see I was updating status on the bathroom; not much change since then! Basically it's the crown moulding that we are having the hard time with and I think we've actually decided to postpone doing it ourselves and once we redo the downstairs; have crown moulding put in throughout the downstairs (to include the bathroom). This won't happen for at least 2 years until Justin gets three, so don't look for any pictures to post to the blog soon on the bathroom:-)

The boys, myself, Mary Kay, and her boxer Coco went to the elementary school park a few blocks away yesterday and Jordan watched her throw the Frisbee in the air and Coco would run and catch it in her mouth. We'd all clap and then so would Justin...It was a gorgeous day to be outside. Actually the school we were at is where Jordan would go to Kindergarten next September; they grow just too fast. Justin and Jordan were on the big gym at school too going down the slides, hanging on the monkey bars, and climbing onto steps. There's nothing big brother Jordan can do that Justin won't at least attempt to try even if he falls down and hurts himself!

Jordan is going to see his first movie on the big screen this coming Saturday afternoon...Mary Kay and Claudia, her 12 year-old granddaughter whom Jordan just loves to pieces, are taking him to see the Pixar movie UP that just opened this past weekend and grossed close to $70M. Jordan couldn't be more excited then if it were Christmas time all over again! The caveat is that he has to be good this week:-) I'll have to let you all know how is first big boy movie experience goes!

Today was Justin's first day in the Sophmore room at daycare; no more bottles, no more formula, no more baby:-( I've got a full blown toddler on my hands now! He sits at the big table now with the rest of the 1-2 year olds and has breakfast, snack, and lunch and now also gets to do crafts and other structured activites. That makes 2 sets of crafts for 18 years; I think we'll need a bigger garage or storage unit since I'll never be able to get rid of anything. I've already got a big banker box full of Jordan's crafts up until now, and he's just 4!

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