Saturday, July 12, 2008

Making Jam; Jordan is SO big!

Well I've already fallen a couple of days behind in posting my once a week promise to everyone:) Oh well, better late then never.

Last weekend over the 4th of July we went to Spooner Farms for WA grown strawberries and raspberries. Last year was the first time we went to this place. I think we'll go back every year now for fresh berries. Below is the link to the farm which we'll probably take the boys to this fall for the annual pumpkin patch and hay ride so that Jordan can pick his own pumpkin! Anyways, the purpose of the trip was to get berries so that Philip and I could make raspberry and strawberry jam, which we in fact did. We made 2 flats of raspberries and 4 flats of strawberry jam...I'm not sure how much that exactly amounts to, but I do know we've got a lot in the freezer as well as the pantry. We made both cooked and freezer jam thanks to the learnings and teachings of our friend and neighbor next door Mary Kay. Philip and I are going back to Spooner Farms before the summer is out to get blackberries and venture to make some blackberry jam all on our own. We'll have to let you know how that works out! Hopefully we've taken good notes...

Jordan has gotten so big all of a sudden...he has finally started to dress himself. On July 8th, he actually put his spiderman jammies (top and bottoms) and socks on all by himself. It was wonderful to watch to see how big he's gotten and that he's starting to do 'stuff' that big boys should be doing. We are STILL working on potty training...I'm wondering if I'll have a kindergartner in pull-ups!!! If anyone has any ideas, please post some comments on this topic as I'm willing to try anything. It's really the #2 in the potty that is the issue...This is the toughest issue we've had to address and work through; everything else up to this point has seemed so easy, who knew potty training your toddler boy could cause more gray hair and wrinkles!

On Saturday (7/12), our neighbors came over with their girls (Samantha remember the posting below is Jordan's new friend) and we barbecued and hung out on our patio. It was in the 80's and very sunny outside. Since we don't get many of those except during the summer, we try to spend as much time outside now! Jordan and Samantha played in our pool and the grown ups got to chat and relax! I like that we've got a couple right across the street from us who are our age and have one girl that is Jordan's age and the other one is 18-months old so Justin will have someone to play with as well when he gets bigger.

Justin is smiling so much now! He has his 4 month check up in 2 1/2 weeks...I can't believe how fast time is flying. Jordan is always trying to be so close to his little brother that he wants to start picking him up now. We have to really keep our eye on fact, Jordan tried to drag the play mat that Justin was laying on just so he would be closer to him. We were like Jordan you can't just drag your brother around the be closer to him. Jordan is always kissing and hugging up on him...that's great, since I'm sure when the boys are bigger I'll be wishing and remembering back to this time when they couldn't get enough of each other!

My Marketing class in my MBA program just started today for the next 10 as I know it just got a lot busier!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amy, Ashlee is finally fully potty trained on June 30th. Stanton and I are soooo happy.