Wednesday, July 16, 2008

It's just me ranting (and raving)!!!

There always seems to be stuff to be done and not enough time in the day to finish them, for instance, we've been trying to redo our 1/2 bath downstairs for the last 2 months. We are painting the cabinet, changing out the hardware and faucet, and painting the room. You would think it wouldn't be that hard...just trying to find time in the day and on the weekend is a challenge. Once we actually finish our little remodel project, I'll have to attach a couple of photos showing our (well actually Philip's) hard work:)

I'm recording TV shows that I don't get to watch during the week, and I still have been unable to find the time to get caught up on them. My shows will actually be in re-run status before I finally get to watch them:) I think I've actually given up trying to get anything accomplished for myself...this is the realization I've come to since Justin was born. Everything is go, go, go...I know my cousin Sara can vouch for me on this with two boys of her own between the ages of 7 months and two years old!! I'm up at 0400 to leave for work by 0430/0445 to leave work at 3p to get the kids from daycare between 4-4:30pm, then it's playtime, dinnertime, bath time, preparation for the next day (lay out both boys' clothes, prepare bottles for Justin to go to daycare, make/program coffee to come on at 0415, and clean up the house a bit by picking up toys) until Justin gets to be at 7:30p and Jordan at 8p, then Philip and I are right behind Jordan by 9p. Then it's the same thing all over again! You would've thought since I had 12 weeks off on maternity leave I'd be all rested up...who are you kidding!!!:) It's the same routine every weekday non-stop...I need a vacation now from my maternity leave...and can you believe this is only my 2nd full week back at work!

I think this weekend we are going to the King County fair...It is supposed to be close to or just over 80 degrees. Now is the time when you have to get out and do 'stuff' before the rain comes in for the fall/winter time! Jordan loves animals (ALL animals), so anything related to animals is just the coolest thing to him. In fact, about 10-15 miles away from our house is Northwest Trek. It is a very cool "safari' type destination which we've been to a few times by ourselves and also with grandma when she was out here. Below is the link to their website. Jordan just loves riding on the tram where the animals roam free...he calls it a train and reminds us constantly that it is now summertime and we've got to go there again. We've been there once this year so far, and will be back again before the summer's over. It is actually a really cool place and the fact it's only about 15 minutes away from the house makes it even 'cooler'!

I'll blog again later this weekend with the activities we decided on and how all went...have a great rest of the week!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Is that a picnic table you're sitting on in the driveway? Party! Wish I had some words of wisdom for you on the potty training bit, I'm hoping you'll be able to help me out :0) Cameron likes to go pee pee on the potty. Funny thing is though, he's watched his mom too much because he has to wipe with toilet paper when he's finished. How great is that to have a place like Northwest Trek so close. Can you say season passes. We're taking some time off work next week, weather permitting, we plan to go to the zoo. Cameron is real good at making all the animal sounds. Well, except his impersonation of a kitty cat. Sounds like the cat is either dying or seriously ill. He makes this weird face too. Derek has been getting around pretty good in his walker. Yesterday when I came home he scooted over to meet me at the door and was smiling and jumping around waiting for me to pick him up. Boy, I sure do love being a mom! But, I can definitely relate to not having any time for myself. Here I am at 11:00 at night up taking a little time for myself when I should be sleeping. I'd beter run. Good luck on your bathroom project, lucky Philip is a handyman. I think it is great you are working on your masters, you go girl! Love ya, Sara