Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Snakes, Snails, & puppy dogtails...

Jordan got to go on his first field trip today with school (daycare). They went to the veterinary hospital here in Puyallup. They got to see dogs being groomed and the teacher told me Jordan covered his ears as it was too loud! I asked Jordan what he saw there and his reply was that he saw kitties, a mouse, puppies, and even 'peaches & Ike' which means that he saw a couple of pugs. Jordan calls every pug he sees 'peaches & Ike'! The teacher leader of the trip said Jordan was just wonderful...good to know he can maintain discipline, order, and happiness when we are not around and he's not in the school environment.

I've reached that point in my parenting of boys the part where you hate say snakes, but you pick one up because your 3-year old wants to put the snake into a bucket...That's right, this past weekend we found two gardener snakes in the back yard; one got away but one didn't:) I REALLY, REALLY hate snakes but I picked it up anyways because Jordan wanted it. We did end up freeing it after a few hours, but the worry was that he wanted to bring it in to his room and the struggle that would ensue when we had to say 'no' but Philip was able to talk Jordan into freeing it because it wanted to 'go home and be with its family'...just like the worms, snails, slugs, 'tato bugs (lots of unknown bugs), and spiders all wanted & did go home to thier families! I've picked up all of these bugs and creatures already and he's only 3, how much bigger will the animals, bugs, and rodents become that I have to pick up and 'save' as Jordan equally grows up? I can now see myself in the future picking up something like a mouse and making it a pet...though if that happens, we're definitely going to the pet store for a gerbil before I bring a mouse into the house!!!

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