Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Teething already...

Well if you can believe it or not, Justin is 4 months old this week and has started teething...actually since last week really 'hot and heavy' with hands and fists in his mouth chewing on them and actually created the slight fevers which Jordan never got for any of his teeth. It's crazy because it's so early but the doctor informed me it's not uncommon. You can see the two bottom teeth (well the white part under the skin) very clearly, in fact, the daycare teachers noticed this earlier a couple of weeks ago and said it looked like his teeth were preparing to come in...how fast is he growing up already!!! Needless to say this has made for some sleepless nights since this past Friday. Instead of the usual one time a night, he's worked his way back to two. Maybe in a month and a half when we make our way out to MI, you'll all get to see some teeth:)

Nothing too much more to report for this past week although Philip was able to complete the bathroom cabinet...painting the wood and adding new hardware (just need to replace the sink). I'll have to post a pic soon (hopefully the entire bathroom will be done) to show you all the transformation. Since the 1/2 bath takes approximately 2 1/2 months to finish, when we do ours I can expect it to take 5 months since it has two sinks for twice the cabinet surface:) Philip did do a great job though, you would think the cabinet was white forever!

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