Monday, October 13, 2008

6-months already!

I can't believe Justin is 6-months old already...Well actually this week Thursday (10/16) he'll be 6 1/2 months old. He had his 6-month check-up last week and weighed 17 lbs. 4 oz. and was 27 1/4" long. His pediatrician couldn't get over how long he is. He grew just over 2" since his 4-month check up which means now he's considered slender because he grew SO long!!! I wish I could say the same for me:)

At Jordan's 6-month check-up, he was 25 1/4" long and weighed 15 lbs. 8 oz. Of course he was 11 weeks early so I really have to compare Justin's 6 month stats to Jordan's 9 month stats which puts them on even ground:)

At the doctor's office Jordan knew Justin was getting shots, but he was in for a big surprise when he too got a flu shot since the office just got them in. He cried only for a minute, I think it scared him more then hurt plus he got a big tootsie pop sucker out of it so I think that definitely made up for it.

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