Monday, October 20, 2008

Me and the boys...

are going to be all alone this week! Philip flies out this morning back to KY for work...this has become an every other month 'thing' for one week at a time. Thank goodness we have such a GREAT neighbor! I will drop off the boys later then usual at daycare and then she'll pick them up on Tuesday-Friday...she is so great since in our pinch last week with my car broke down, she was able to 'on the fly' get the boys from daycare within the 1/2 hour we called her. Thank goodness for wonderful neighbors...(she is the one in the pictures somewhere in my blog helping us to make jam)!!!

Jordan (and I) went to a birthday party yesterday for Samantha (neighbor); she turns 4-years old today! Jordan didn't play any games, he ate a cupcake, and wanted to leave by 1 hour later...I guess there was just too many people he didn't know including a bunch of other of Samantha's cousins that Jordan just wanted to leave (Justin stayed home with Daddy). He told me he had fun, but I think he was fibbing!

Justin's two bottom teeth are about pushed through can see the white and feel the hard of the tooth; he's in such pain and now waking up 3-4 times a night since Friday:( However, he did SMILE for his 6 (1/2) month photos we had taken over the weekend. I'll have to see if I can't post the link so you can see him and Jordan in their costumes too! I don't know what it is about going to get pictures taken, but Jordan it seems would just as soon go to the dentist...he hates it, won't smile, and just plain drives me crazy trying to get 1 picture; at home though, it's "mommy, take my picture", "where's the camera", "CHEESE"...I guess it's just being 3 1/2 years old!

Anyways, have a great week and I'll post some pics later!

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