Monday, October 27, 2008

Busy Weekend...

We had a very busy weekend; Jordan and Daddy got their haircuts, we had a BBQ yesterday, AND Justin was up on all 4's rocking on his hands and knees making a very small attempt, but an attempt none the less in trying to crawl. I got a few good pictures that I need to post; I will add some tomorrow as well as the pictures of the travel trailer. (Yes, I'm still working on that:))!

Philip made an EXCELLENT southern BBQ this weekend. We had s couple of his co-workers over and their families as well as our neighbor MaryKay and our other neighbors with their daughter Samantha. The weather was wonderful! Sunny and mid-high 60's; who would've thought that I would say wonderful to 60 degree weather...We had baby back ribs, steaks, mac & cheese, homemade greens, hush puppies, and apple pies he brought back from his business trip through TN last week.

Justin's two bottom teeth have also popped through now; it's hard to believe he'll be 7-months old on Sunday!

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