Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The wheels on the bus go round & round...

It's a short work week, but I still completed 3 round trips on a bus commuting to work from Puyallup to Bellevue...very interesting riding the bus; folks fall asleep and miss their stops, some people are smelly, and a lot are plain rude (bus drivers included)! The only good thing is that I would've filled my gas tank up on Monday morning and again tomorrow morning on my way in, but instead between the park and ride and picking up the boys from daycare I've only used a 1/8 of a tank in 3 this rate (excl. weekend driving), it'll take me one month to fill up the gas tank:) That's gas savings alone of approximately $400/mo!!! We're saving the gas $ for potentially a new car when my 9 year-old vehicle with 154K miles on it 'craps out'...NOT before!

The bus ride is an additional 15/20 minutes each way, but that's a small sacrifice to make to be saving lots of $!!!

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