Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Pictures & Milestones

Justin just pulled himself up today for the first time, in fact, it was only about 2 hours ago that he did it (see the picture below). He will be 8-months old on Tuesday...time is just flying by SO fast! It only seemed I was home on maternity leave when in fact I've been back to work for 5 months already! He has both of his bottom front teeth and his top right front tooth and now just today he poked through his top left front tooth...makes sense since last night he was up twice and very cranky. I just wish all of his teeth would come in right now so it could all be done and over with at one time; this one tooth here and there 'thing' is killing him and me:)
Jordan STILL loves his little brother to pieces. Here are some current pictures of the boys together below. We are still working on the potty training; peeing is one thing but pooping is another whole different story! I really think he's scared to poop on the potty for some reason...any suggestions from you pros out there that have gone through this already? I'm about ready to give up and put pull-ups back on him...

Justin & daddy too tired from the week...

We are going over to Philip's friend's house tomorrow in Redmond for Turkey Day! This are some of the same folks that were down here for the BBQ a couple of months back...both their families and ours live out of state, so it works out perfect in that regards that we share Thanksgiving together. In fact, Philip's in the kitchen right this minute making desserts (Red Velvet Cake now & Peach Cobbler tomorrow morning before we go)...he's just glad he doesn't have to cook the meal this year! I'll try to post some pics tomorrow from the gathering, but if not, know in advance that we had fun!

HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!! - from the Jamison Family!

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