Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Getting SO BIG & growing up TOO FAST!

Justin is now sitting up unassisted and crawling all over the place. I set him down by the kitchen and he found his way into the front room to be with his brother. He just seems so much bigger obviously then Jordan was at 7 months, but I swear he's extra long...look at the pictures below, especially the couple in his diaper. He's basically been wearing 12 month clothes since he was just about 6 months old. I can't believe in 5 months already that he'll be a one-year old toddler...

Below are pictures for your viewing pleasure of the little (well actually big) guy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Riley is the opposite of Justin. Riley is going to be 21 months at the end of November and he is currently wearing 12 months clothes.