Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Happy Halloween...5 days late!

Better late then never! Jordan got to go out trick or treating for the first time to actually get candy...last year I was to 'pregnant sick' to go out, so this year daddy took him around the entire block to every house while I stayed home with Justin handing out candy. We didn't have but 25 kids this year whereas last year we had upwards of 50 kids, so not only do I have all of Jordan's candy in the house, I still have candy left that I didn't give out! I'm going to take a lot of into my work next'll be gone in 10 minutes if its left in the kitchen:)

Below are pictures of the boys in their halloween costumes. Jordan was Ironman and Justin was a dragon. These were pictures taken at Daycare when the boys had their Halloween parties except for the one dated 10/31 showing Jordan's 'loot'. It was so funny watching Jordan pick out a piece of candy to was like he was making a life or death decision:)

Jordan and his bestest friend Wyatt!
Jordan & Megan!

Jordan's loot!
Justin & Caleb...

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