Friday, December 26, 2008


Well we had a great Christmas! Jordan got lots of presents from Santa and Justin got a few too! We couldn't not get Justin something because then Jordan would think Justin was a 'bad boy' since Santa hadn't brought him any presents...Mommy & Daddy got a deep freezer for Christmas that we pick up tomorrow from Sears. It is a Kenmore 14.8 cubic foot one; it holds something like 600 lbs of food...since Mom and Dad Roth contributed 1/2 the amount via gift cards for our Xmas presents, we chose to get the biggest one they had chest size (excluding the one you could actually hide bodies in)! We figure we'll be able to go down to the Butcher Boys meat shop and actually buy a 100 or so pounds of meat cheaper, which we are sure would also taste better then the grocery stores meat.

Jordan got up and went to the sliding glass door to look out the window to determine if Santa had come...I guess he thought Santa walked up to the back door to get in the house, not down our chimney! He got very nervous since he couldn't see Santa footprints and said that Santa hadn't come; not until we said are you sure that he looked at the Christmas tree to see the presents under it that he finally said 'he did come'! Jordan got SO many presents from Santa this year...he must've been a really good boy:)

We went over to our neighbor Mary Kay's house for Christmas Eve dinner and had a great meal with great friends and met some new folks as well. She was to come over to our house for Christmas dinner yesterday, but instead she fell on the ice flat on her back out in her driveway picking up her newspaper...she had to miss out on the company, but Philip took her a plate for two so she could get her first taste of fried turkey. Philip made the most wonderful and tasty dinner yesterday....I actually hadn't see Jordan eat so much in a long time, so you KNOW it was good:) He made fried turkey, mac and cheese, green bean casserole, yams (his secret recipe), and pumpkin pies. I think I'm still full 24 hours later! He made Aunt Deb's ham/cream cheese/ & onion stuffed hors' deovers too! THANKS Aunt Deb!!!!

I will follow this posting with a slide show of Xmas and the boys opening presents...We hope everyone had an enjoyable and memorable Christmas and will have a Happy New Year!

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