Sunday, December 7, 2008

The wheels on the bus are STILL going round!!!

It was a full week last week riding the bus to and from work...I actually thought I could take up doing some writing/reading for school since it didn't seem to queasy on the bus, but lo and behold on Wednesday I barely made if off the bus and to my car before I threw up in the planter box outside of my car at the park and ride! SO, that means no more trying to do anything productive on the bus like catch up on school work...I'll only be able to listen to books on tape or music through my new IPOD (new 16G orange Nano) I got! It is really two fold; first so that random people don't just start talking to me (yes, this has happened on more then one occasion and I've only been riding the bus for 8 days...imagine what happens after 3 weeks; they might invite themselves over for Christmas); I figure with the ear phones on I can pretty much ignore anyone, and #2 is so that the bus ride doesn't seem so long! It's 1 hour 15 minutes into work, and 1 hour 45 minutes home...I'm out the door catching the bus in the dark and picking up the boys from daycare in the dark. The only bright side is that I filled my gas tank up in Bellevue on the way home from Thanksgiving dinner at Philip's friends house and still have 1/2 tank left; at this rate, it'll be Christmas before I have to fill up again...I'm suffering for the long ride on the bus, but banking a whole lot of extra cash! It was usually 1 hour 30 minutes home when I was driving myself anyways, so the bus just adds about 15 minutes or so each works for now since the bus is free, I'm driving less then 10 miles per day in my car, and my job pays me $75 dollars a month for taking the bus on top of paying for and giving me a bus pass; common sense and frugality rule my house!!!

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