Monday, December 15, 2008

We are freezing our a--es off!

It was so cold here today! In fact, over the weekend we got 3 inches of snow at our house with more to come on Wednesday...when I got up this morning to head into work, my car was reading 16 degrees. But, have no fear, the high of the day was a big whoppin' 28 degrees!!!:)

We aren't supposed to above these sub-freezing temperatures until Sunday...I figured out my Christmas presents today whilst waiting for and riding the bus; a need a good pair of winter boots and some nice warm gloves...with my current gloves/socks/shoes I still froze my a-- off!

The bus actually had tire chains on the first of the season for the ride which we could only ride in at 40MPH...this is going to be a really long winter!

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