Friday, December 5, 2008

Looking for an escape? Not so much, I love my brother!

Justin is now standing & cruising...he walks the length of our coffee table which is about 3-5' long. In fact, two mornings ago Philip walked into his room to get him in the morning and it was the first time he was standing up in his crib 'talking'...not yelling, just basically hanging out. What has really surprised us is that last night he crawled halfway up the stairs (about 5 or so steps)! He only turned 8 months old this past Tuesday...I think big brother Jordan is the main reason Justin is doing all these things; Jordan will get on the ground and crawl and Justin will just take off following him to keep up and play with him. Now that Justin has gotten so much bigger, they are acting like brothers being able to play together! What was really funny was a couple of nights ago they were fighting over this aqua doodle drawing pad...Justin was crawling on it trying to get the water marker from Jordan; Philip and I were standing back smiling because it was the first true interaction of 'brotherly love', with MANY more to come we're sure:)

Thanksgiving went great...Jordan had lots of fun playing with Holly; I'll have to post some pics over the weekend. I'm looking to finish Christmas shopping this weekend, so we'll see how that goes!

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