Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It's getting harder

Boy is it getting harder to stay on task writing in the blog weekly while still getting in family time, work, school, and every other doggone thing!

Anyways, we had a Happy Valentine...Philip & I went out to dinner (YES, by ourselves) and were gone a total of 3 hours, with almost two of that at the restaurant. We talked nothing about the boys and I actually had a drink; a very large watermelon flavored long island iced tea! September would be exactly 9 years since I had any alcoholic beverage. Some of you may remember the couple of days before the wedding fiasco whereby I was knocked out for the count, literally, and had this happened the night before the wedding I never would've made it:) That drink tasted great! The Ram Steakhouse and Brewery has about 7 or 8 other flavors of this long island iced tea drink that I told Philip we'd have to go back so I could try out every single one. Mary Kay watched the boys for us on Saturday so we could go & Philip got her a Wii Fit as a Thank You....well actually a thank you for the many other times she's picked up the boys on call if my bus was running late, plus all of the other times while Philip was traveling which in fact he is doing right now as I write this. He's in TX for a 2-day trip. I said in the past 30 days (1/19 - 2/19), he would've been in 5 different states (DC, KY, WI, TX, & WA to Spokane); I sure hope he's racking up those frequent flier miles for me and the kids!

Philip got me a Wii Fit for Valentine's day (is he trying to tell me something?) & it was my surprise to take him out to dinner, though he actually ruined it because he wanted to know what I wanted for dinner...you don't mess with a Jamison & his food; of course the apple didn't at all fall from the tree on either occasion because both Jordan & Justin have melt downs when they want food...Justin will haul off screaming just because someone is eating and he is not. It's total chaos when all 3 are hungry at the same time:)

Justin is just now 10 1/2 months old and growing like a friggen' weed! I swear one day he'll be bigger then Jordan! Last week Jordan drew his first picture in school where it actually looked like something which I knew what it was and he was able to tell me what it was. He drew a boy flying a kite. I've got to see if I can scan it and save to my computer to upload so everyone can see! I was SO EXCITED!!! It's hard to believe he's gonna be 4 years old in 2 months!

I'll get some new pictures posted of the boys soon.

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