Monday, February 23, 2009

The boys are getting too big!

It was sunny most of this weekend and in fact we reached 62 degrees yesterday...(YEAH)!!! Philip put Jordan's spiderman scooter together that he go for Christmas since it was warm enough and nice enough to be outside. I got a few pictures of Jordan in all of his gear, knee & elbow pads, and a helmet...he looks like a skateboarder; very cool! I'll have to post them up tonight hopefully! Jordan also got his haircut yesterday and it is even shorter then it has ever been. I think Philip is trying to mimic his haircut on Jordan, but anyways Jordan had been complaining for the last 3 weeks that his hair was getting long and he needed a haircut; he got his wish yesterday as it is very short with clippers used to fade it up in the back and the sides.

Justin looks to need tubes in his ears since he basically has had continuous ear infections since this past October. When we go back two weeks from Saturday if he's still has them we are going back over to Dr. Rone, the ENT specialist who put Jordan's tubes in. I thought because Jordan was born early that he had the ear problems and that Justin wouldn't, but I guess not! We went to Nordstrom's yesterday and I had Justin's feet fitted for some pediped's since he's not yet walking on his own outside, but anyways his feet were sized at 5 1/2 which means a size 6 shoe. Our neighbor's 2-year old daughter is wearing size 6 now; of course girls feet are smaller, but I mean common'...the lady says normally the size she fits is a 4 at Justin's age! As was mentioned way earlier in my blog, I think Justin is going to get significantly bigger then Jordan and one day I'll be blogging that Justin is now pummeling Jordan and taking toys from him:) I tell Jordan about Karma but I don't think he quite gets it yet...I'm sure he will!!!:)

We've got our first camping trip planned for a long weekend up in Burlington, WA over the last weekend in April...I'm getting excited! It'll be fun to get out and do stuff and not have to only plan big trips where we fly somewhere...I'm sure the boys will be loving it too! We'll definitely have lots of pictures to share!

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