Wednesday, April 29, 2009

1st Camping Trip...(check) !

OK, so we can now check off complete our first camping trip! This past weekend we went up to the Burlington KOA campground which is only 110 miles from the house; made sense since we started out later then we had wanted to and got mixed up in the Friday afternoon commute but didn't really have all that far to go & the boys did great in the car. We went to Mount Vernon to the yearly tulip festival that happens every April, went to an Alpaca farm, roasted marshmallows, and TRIED to make our way to a children's museum...I say tried, because we used the navigation system in Philip's truck that took us to downtown Mt. Vernon with our destination on the left/route over and there was no Children's museum anywhere around. We ended up finding out it was somewhere else, but too late and a dollar short we went to dinner instead! All in all everyone had a great time, even Jordan who fell out of the (lower) bunk bed and Justin who had to sleep in his playard (all you mom's out there know what that's like trying to keep a 1-year old happy and content in a playard)! As I've been doing, below are the links to the places we went:

If I had to give the trip a negative comment, I would have to say it would be the unpreparedness we had going on in the trailer:-) Why this is funny is because I've been giving Philip such a hard time in his preparation of things we needed in the trailer way back when we bought it saying we've got plenty of time to get it ready, and of course what the hell happens...I'm not prepared! I don't know where stuff is (pots, glasses, coffee pot, etc.); that first morning made Philip and I laugh so hard that I created a list as the morning/days progressed on what we definitely need. My thought is that maybe by the end of this camping season, we'll be pros. Philip is definitely a pro at hooking/unhooking up the trailer to the truck and readying the trailer at the campsites when we arrive and leave:-) He's had a manual and CD to watch for review...I've got nothing!!!

We had a great time and are really looking forward to the Oregon trip over Memorial Weekend to Lincoln City for 4 days/3 nights.

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