Thursday, April 9, 2009

News & updates for the week...

Besides the big news I posted on yesterday about Justin starting to walk on his own, a lot has been going on here since last weekend. We switched Justin out of his infant car seat into a forward facing convertible car seat, and wouldn't you know it, the back seat of my jeep is too small to have Jordan and Justin's car seats next to one another so we had to put Justin on one side and Jordan on the other side; there is absolutely no room for anyone else in the back seat...Philip thinks it might be the excuse I need to get a bigger car (i.e., the minivan like my cousin Sara got (Toyota Sienna) that I just fell in love with) so It can be more then just us in the car at one time. I think NOT; I'm hoping for at least another two years with my car. I mean come on, it only has 159K miles on it and is 10 years old. Maybe when Jordan heads of to Kindergarten next September I'll think about it...

We took the travel trailer out this past Saturday and got it ready (UN-winterized) for our 1st camping trip in 2 weeks. We are very excited to get it out and start using it; we bought it last fall and put it right into storage. I do have to mention that when we go back to park it in the storage lot it always seems a chore to me because I've got to guide Philip backing it up while toting the boys and navigating in a tight space between another travel trailer and a trailer for hauling 'stuff'. There is not much room for error, but anyone that knows Philip, knows that he gets very agitated quickly when something is not working out just right...anyways, I was surprised when we went back to park the trailer and he told me to sit in the truck and do you know he backed it up all by himself without land nav., a compass, or a guide right into the exact spot. I got very excited because now that I know he can do it on his own, it eases the stress on my mind of getting him parked the first time:-)

I also want to take note of the VERY GORGEOUS weather we had this past weekend and through to Monday (4/6)...It was sunny all weekend with high 60's on Saturday, low 70's on Sunday, and 75 degrees on Monday!!! It was awesome, however short lived since today it has rained like no tomorrow and we have the possibility of snow on Monday and Tuesday. Yes, you heard me SNOW...last I knew it was Easter on Sunday! You know I can't go without posting on the weather here about the snow we had, did have, or are going to have...lets hope to goodness that I'm not blogging about the snow we have in June!!!

On a final note, wish us luck (well me & Philip anyways); we are getting family pictures taken Saturday morning and anyone with kids knows trying to get them to sit still is one thing, but getting them to smile on queue is an Act of God. Justin I'm not too worried about since he's only 1 (next year will be a different story) and smiles at everything, but Jordan on the other hand that is a totally different situation. I do however have the bribe ready and in place...after pictures Jordan gets to go to party city and pick out his themed decorations for his Birthday party the following Saturday. I think he's shooting for Diego, but I don't want to get him in that store and then have him wander onto a 100 different things; the bribe could backfire as we end up at Party City for the entire afternoon picking out birthday decorations!!! I can only hope that there is only 1 aisle in the store and that the aisle is only full of Diego merchandise...too much to ask?

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