Monday, April 6, 2009

1-year stats compare

Well, Justin had his 1-year check up this past Friday and he's doing great. He is significantly way longer then he is heavier, in fact, his weight is being dispersed amongst his ever growing body in length. His pediatrician is amazed on how long he gets each visit we come in. Anyways, here's the compare I said I would do of Justin & Jordan at the 1-year mark.

Jordan - 19 lbs. 6 oz. & 30" long
Justin - 23 lbs. 0 oz. & 31 1/4" long

Obviously Justin is bigger then Jordan, but this is the first visit whereby Jordan was compared to normal 1-year olds even though he was born 11 weeks early. I'm kind of excited to see what the 15-month check up will look like; either Justin will continue to outpace Jordan or maybe they actually get closer in size as time progresses...I'm actually leaning towards the first scenario where Justin just gets bigger then Jordan. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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