Thursday, April 2, 2009


Justin is 1-year old today! Time has flown by SO fast! He's not quite walking yet, but basically runs with his car that he pushes (see the last video I posted). He has taken a few steps here and there on his own once he lets go of something and steps to grab onto something else, but that's about it. We go in tomorrow for his 1-year check up so I'll have to post his stats up against Jordan's for the 1-year mark since this should be the first time where they are more comparable with Jordan being a preemie. I do know that when I pick Justin up, he seems way heavier then I remember Jordan being at this age. Justin has been wearing 18-month clothes for the last month to month and a half. Because Justin is so big, him and Jordan fight over toys and literally wrestle with one another on the's so cute to watch!

On a side note, Jordan STILL seems to think his birthday party is going to be at Chuckie Cheese's (he again told Mary Kay last night about going to it), so it looks like a trip to Chuckie Cheese will be in our future:)

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