Thursday, July 24, 2008


Only 1 day after my last post...we have finalized our trip to MI and we will be there from Friday 9/19 - 9/27 (we (Me, Jordan and Justin) actually leave out on the morning of 9/27). Philip actually arrives on Saturday 9/20 at 6p from Chicago. Mom & Dad will have to make two trips to Flint Bishop Airport to pick up the family!

I'm posting this on the blog, but don't fear, Grandma and Grandpa know already...I had to let them know first since they don't have Internet access:)

We are looking forward to seeing everyone since the last time Jordan and I were in MI was Dec 2006 (w/o Philip - still worked at Target). Philip was last there in May 2006 with the fam for Jordan's 1st birthday...everyone remember that?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amy, hopefully we will still be in MI in September.