Monday, August 25, 2008


Yup, we did it...this weekend (well actually yesterday to be exact) we put Jordan in big boy underpants (he picked out the Hulk, Diego, and Spiderman). We figure it's 'do or die' and that like his friends in daycare that he'll take to going on the potty because he sees his other friends wearing them and going. He had one minor accident yesterday, but other then that he used the potty all day!!! And we even had a play date yesterday afternoon for about an hour and a half and he actually used their potty twice while we were over there...! I reminded him to go on the every 1/2 hour just until we get a system going and he starts going by himself without reminders:) Jordan's a "clean freak" and hates to be dirty so peeing on himself should hopefully do the trick to let him know that he doesn't like it and should go to the potty.

I'll let you all know how his first week at school (daycare) with his big boy underpants on went later this week.

Send us your 'good' potty vibes...

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