Monday, August 25, 2008

Weekend Bike trip...

I didn't have the pictures loaded earlier today when I posted about the big boy underpants, but on Saturday we all went bike riding...Philip pulling Justin and Jordan in a bike trailer and me trying to keep up on my own. It was sunny and high 70's, but it definitely felt warmer since there was no wind. Philip and I hadn't been bike riding since I think like two years ago since I was pregnant last year...The bikes were dusty and needed air in the tires, but after Philip readied the bikes and the trailer, and loaded them into the truck we drove out to Sumner (about 10 miles away) to the Foothills Bike trail which is approximately a total of 30 miles of biking trails...we accomplished at max. on this trip 2 of it!!! Maybe we can try 3 or 4 miles the next time. Jordan was actually the first to complain that he wanted to go home, but he was also the first one who we couldn't get there fast enough to ride. Below are a couple of pictures of the day to include a couple of very clear and close shots of Mount Rainier since it is only about 35 or so miles away. The cement trails in the Mt. Rainier pictures are actually the bike trails which we stopped for a break to take the picture since it was such a clear day.

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