After... Today was the first day Justin got in his little bouncer...he looks SO big! Two days ago (Friday) should've been his 4-month check up instead his pediatrician was OOF so we go this coming Friday. I'll post some stats and what he's up to after the appt. We did have to make a trek in to the doctor that was on call covering for ours Friday afternoon because Justin wanted to decide to keep a nasty looking rash all over his body. Poor guy, was still happy and smiling:) Come to find out it was just a viral rash that should go away on its own (no medicine for it) in a couple of days and in fact today it was basically all gone...
Philip got his haircut today as well and out of nowhere Jordan says he has to go we go next door to the beauty salon's bathroom and he 'goes' and 'goes a lot' (standing up mind you into a big potty (well actually smaller then a normal toilet since his standing up was just the right size, sorry if TMI)!!! I'm flabergasted...this is a breakthrough on the potty training we've been waiting for!!! I guess sooner or later they'll make the connection and it will start to work. I just hope it's before kindergarten! Anyways, below is a picture of the boys playing horsie...Jordan just loves his little brother to pieces, in fact, Friday coming home from Justin's doctor appointment, I asked Jordan if Justin was awake and he said "no". Then I hear Jordan say, "Justin, wake up Sweetie!" That's the word I use all the time, "Sweetie". It was so cute, I laughed to myself so as to not sound like I was making fun of Jordan...I love my boys!!! (and Philip too)!
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