Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Just checking in...

It's been over a week since I last blogged and not much has been going on...Philip is traveling this week for work in KY so I'm maintaining the homefront! I have admiration for the single parents who do this day in and day out; I couldn't imagine doing this all by myself everyday! One week here and there is enough for me:)

We are STILL working on the potty training. Jordan did decide to start going potty randomly on his own here and there; I suggest he go potty, he says 'no', then goes potty later on. I mean does he have to fight me every step of the way...I'm at my wits end trying to figure out how to get him on board with at least being fully day-trained on the potty. I know nightime training will take longer, but I mean 'C'mon'!

The bathroom remodel is 90% complete (YEAH!). We (who am I kidding, I mean Philip) just have to replace the wood baseboards to the white ones and then put crown moulding up. All of the fixtures have been installed and the painting is done. I should be able to get pictures once completed in the near short team; I'm hoping in a week or two. I know Philip would like me to stop 'hounding' him every weekend:)!!! Jordan even got in on the action trying help daddy finish!

Justin is getting bigger by the day...He just LOVES his big brother to pieces. In fact, you can see from the pictures below that Jordan just loves him too! I took a couple of them seperately as well because someone reminded me that when #2 comes along, you don't see them so much individually in pictures as you do when #1 was by themself. You always now take pictures of the two of them together, so I've consciously made the effort to ensure I get Justin by hisself in pictures as well!

Last week I was washing dishes and I heard Jordan 'reading' a story; he does this a lot now. He now tells stories by reading books just like we read to him before bed and like daycare reads to him at school. He always starts his stories out with 'once upon a time' so when I heard this, I turned around and below is what I saw... Jordan reading his dinosaur book to his little brother; even holding up the book to show him the pictures as he told the story. It was so cute I ran to grab the camera to capture the moment...our camera is never very far away!

Well take care this week and I'll blog again soon!

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