Thursday, February 26, 2009

As promised!

Below are a few new pictures of the boys! Justin is playing & showing some teeth whilst trying very hard to open doors to the TV cabinet & Jordan's brand new haircut that looks a lot like Daddy's haircut....short up the sides and back w/curls 'for the girls' on top:) There's also a picture of Jordan in his safety scooter gear; the scooter was in the garage, he came in for lunch and geared back up to go outside when I got the picture...I'll have to get another one of him actually using the scooter next:)

Monday, February 23, 2009

The boys are getting too big!

It was sunny most of this weekend and in fact we reached 62 degrees yesterday...(YEAH)!!! Philip put Jordan's spiderman scooter together that he go for Christmas since it was warm enough and nice enough to be outside. I got a few pictures of Jordan in all of his gear, knee & elbow pads, and a helmet...he looks like a skateboarder; very cool! I'll have to post them up tonight hopefully! Jordan also got his haircut yesterday and it is even shorter then it has ever been. I think Philip is trying to mimic his haircut on Jordan, but anyways Jordan had been complaining for the last 3 weeks that his hair was getting long and he needed a haircut; he got his wish yesterday as it is very short with clippers used to fade it up in the back and the sides.

Justin looks to need tubes in his ears since he basically has had continuous ear infections since this past October. When we go back two weeks from Saturday if he's still has them we are going back over to Dr. Rone, the ENT specialist who put Jordan's tubes in. I thought because Jordan was born early that he had the ear problems and that Justin wouldn't, but I guess not! We went to Nordstrom's yesterday and I had Justin's feet fitted for some pediped's since he's not yet walking on his own outside, but anyways his feet were sized at 5 1/2 which means a size 6 shoe. Our neighbor's 2-year old daughter is wearing size 6 now; of course girls feet are smaller, but I mean common'...the lady says normally the size she fits is a 4 at Justin's age! As was mentioned way earlier in my blog, I think Justin is going to get significantly bigger then Jordan and one day I'll be blogging that Justin is now pummeling Jordan and taking toys from him:) I tell Jordan about Karma but I don't think he quite gets it yet...I'm sure he will!!!:)

We've got our first camping trip planned for a long weekend up in Burlington, WA over the last weekend in April...I'm getting excited! It'll be fun to get out and do stuff and not have to only plan big trips where we fly somewhere...I'm sure the boys will be loving it too! We'll definitely have lots of pictures to share!

Friday, February 20, 2009


It's hard to believe in April that we'll have a 1-year old and a 4-year old on our hands! Time is really flying by...below are a few newer pictures of the boys!

Jordan...the photographer???

The slideshow below is Jordan taking pictures of himself... As mentioned way earlier when I started writing in the blog; Jordan just loves the digital camera, but I actually think he loves himself more!!!:) There also some other pictures he took of his little brother too...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

It's getting harder

Boy is it getting harder to stay on task writing in the blog weekly while still getting in family time, work, school, and every other doggone thing!

Anyways, we had a Happy Valentine...Philip & I went out to dinner (YES, by ourselves) and were gone a total of 3 hours, with almost two of that at the restaurant. We talked nothing about the boys and I actually had a drink; a very large watermelon flavored long island iced tea! September would be exactly 9 years since I had any alcoholic beverage. Some of you may remember the couple of days before the wedding fiasco whereby I was knocked out for the count, literally, and had this happened the night before the wedding I never would've made it:) That drink tasted great! The Ram Steakhouse and Brewery has about 7 or 8 other flavors of this long island iced tea drink that I told Philip we'd have to go back so I could try out every single one. Mary Kay watched the boys for us on Saturday so we could go & Philip got her a Wii Fit as a Thank You....well actually a thank you for the many other times she's picked up the boys on call if my bus was running late, plus all of the other times while Philip was traveling which in fact he is doing right now as I write this. He's in TX for a 2-day trip. I said in the past 30 days (1/19 - 2/19), he would've been in 5 different states (DC, KY, WI, TX, & WA to Spokane); I sure hope he's racking up those frequent flier miles for me and the kids!

Philip got me a Wii Fit for Valentine's day (is he trying to tell me something?) & it was my surprise to take him out to dinner, though he actually ruined it because he wanted to know what I wanted for don't mess with a Jamison & his food; of course the apple didn't at all fall from the tree on either occasion because both Jordan & Justin have melt downs when they want food...Justin will haul off screaming just because someone is eating and he is not. It's total chaos when all 3 are hungry at the same time:)

Justin is just now 10 1/2 months old and growing like a friggen' weed! I swear one day he'll be bigger then Jordan! Last week Jordan drew his first picture in school where it actually looked like something which I knew what it was and he was able to tell me what it was. He drew a boy flying a kite. I've got to see if I can scan it and save to my computer to upload so everyone can see! I was SO EXCITED!!! It's hard to believe he's gonna be 4 years old in 2 months!

I'll get some new pictures posted of the boys soon.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Family updates

This weekend went by SO fast...I really don't know why; maybe it's just because we did a lot of furniture moving/room re-arranging. We got rid of the workout room up in the loft and created a playroom (Wii included) for the boys! I definitely think the space is already getting more usage then it was before:) Plus whenever I do have a chance to run on the treadmill or lift weights, it's after the boys have gone to bed...I can't necessarily run on a treadmill quietly now can I? Anyways, we moved it out to the garage, and since we had gotten rid of the pups, we've got the 3rd car of the garage which we are going to use/set up a workout area. I can then use it after the boys have gone to bed; well we'll see how that goes too:)

Justin turned 10 months old last week Monday. I can't believe he's almost 1 already; time is sure flying by. I had to take him to the doctor on Saturday since he was sick and it ended up being ANOTHER ear infection...I think that makes 4 in the last 2 months or so! He had none before that; I just wish it were spring time already, since winter time can be so draining on the boys being sick. He is working on tooth #9 and eating like he's going to outgrow Jordan...He basically eats everything we eat and I swear at each mealtime he's eating more then Jordan! Jordan is so thin and such a picky/finicky eater that when I think Jordan eats a lot, it really is him just eating a little more then usual. Justin is not yet walking on his own yet, but I do catch him every once in a while letting go from item to item while standing without taking a step...I think walking is just around the corner for him!

Jordan is SO ADDICTED to the Wii that I have to basically set an alarm to go off so that he knows his time is up and he can't get back on it until the end of the day. During the week is easier since he's only allowed on it after he gets home from daycare, but during the weekend here he wanted the remote basically glued to his hand:) He had strep throat a week and 1/2 ago and is now battling a very bad cold...WHERE IS THE SUMMER? Jordan has requested that his birthday party be at chuckie cheeses...where he got that idea from I don't know, but he sure knows that they have games and stuff there. I'll have to let you know where we end up for it, though we've got 2 1/2 months to go yet until he turns 4!!!

Philip and I have been doing great...just keeping busy with work, school, and traveling on business. I've got to get some pictures of the inauguration posted out here, but I've got to wait for Philip to download/upload the photos...I'll work on him for next week. He said it was so friggen' cold there in DC those few days that his fingers and toes felt like they were going to fall off; it didn't help that he was outside for over 12 hours! He brought back a whole bunch of souvenir's that we passed on to a few of our friends and family members....

Have a great week & I'll blog again soon!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

We really did it

We bought a Wii yesterday...Jordan (and daddy!) are having lots of fun playing all the games. The Wii's normally sell for $249.99 and of course since Circuit City is going out of business, we happened to stop in there; not for the purpose of buying a Wii, but just to see what prices they had on items. The Wii's were up high on a shelf that an employee was 'guarding' and had to get up to get...the price was $199.99; we saved $50, so we said what the heck and got one. As soon as we picked one up, they seemed to just start flying off the shelf. We left with only a handful left; I'm sure they'd be gone before the end of the day! Jordan & daddy have been bowling, golfing, playing baseball, pool, ping pong, and a bunch of other stuff. This is Jordan's early birthday present...and maybe Philip's too:)

Philip's friend Daren has one too; this is who's house we've been over too for Thanksgiving and this past month just to hang out. Philip is going to get practice in on the side without telling Daren so that the next time we go over to their house, Philip & Jordan can both kick Daren's butt!

I'll have to let you all know who gets better at, Jordan or Daddy; stay tuned...