Friday, March 13, 2009

It's a new day...

It's only been two days since my last post and I think we are all (for the most part) back to normal...It is actually sunny and 60 degrees outside today so I was able to open all of the windows for a few hours today while I worked from home and air the house out! Hopefully we've got no more germs and disease in the house:) I got Justin to the doctor today and he actually got a clean bill of eyes, ears, nose, or throat problems so the doctor said if he's cranky it might just be he's got something viral or even just a headache. I didn't know babies could get headaches; who knew! Right now Jordan and Justin are playing with their big cars and walking or running as in Jordan's case, behind them and running them into walls and stuff. They are's a GREAT day!!!

1 comment:

FitmamaMichele said...

Glad to hear you are all starting to feel better! It sounds like that's the latest bug going around.